rainwater vs tap


Active Member
is rain water all around better for pot?

or use tap water and ph it after letting it set out for 24hrs... are there still chemicals in it thats not in rain water?


Well-Known Member
Well in tap water city tap I guess u r talking about not well water. Any who city tap water has chlorine and minerals and so on rain water isn't pure Hydrogen and Oxygen, it all depends where u live if u live in los angeles or Detroit then for get about it, the reason you have such pretty sunsets is because there is alot of pollution in the air that lights up when the sun looks orange/red and those molecules in the air gleam and reflect (Acid Rain) which is pretty much high concentration of sulfur in the air there for water.
Save ur time and plants and go into a Walmart dodging the Nascar billys and buy yourself some 37cents a gallon Reverse Osmosis water.


Well-Known Member
Umm if you which are not the post maker I would say test ur well water Total Dissolved Solids most likely its high like 600 ppm con paired to 30 ppm of that of Reverse Osmosis
Yes u can take that in account for add for nutes but its not telling u what minerals and salts that clean ur carbon filter of ur well water so forget about it and Walmart u go 37cents a gal