Ran into co-worker while getting supplies


Well-Known Member
Was at the hardware store yesterday picking up supplies for ventilation and I had like thermostat, inline duct fan, ducting, a sprouting box, ph meter, etc in my cart and only that... turned a corner and almost bumped my cart into a lady I work with haha... Talk about an oh-shit moment. Luckily her kid was with her and he distracted her the second our eyes met so I quickly pushed myself between her and my cart in a non-chalant way to block her view lol I just made small talk with her for like 2 seconds to hold her eye contact then was like have a good one! and quickly turned the corner while she was yellin at her kid :P

Edit: Forgot to mention shes a supervisor, that made it a little more nerve racking haha


Well-Known Member
Try to give her the "d". If she doesn't take it, force it on her. Let her know who's the boss.


Well-Known Member
Was at the hardware store yesterday picking up supplies for ventilation and I had like thermostat, inline duct fan, ducting, a sprouting box, ph meter, etc in my cart and only that... turned a corner and almost bumped my cart into a lady I work with haha... Talk about an oh-shit moment. Luckily her kid was with her and he distracted her the second our eyes met so I quickly pushed myself between her and my cart in a non-chalant way to block her view lol I just made small talk with her for like 2 seconds to hold her eye contact then was like have a good one! and quickly turned the corner while she was yellin at her kid :P

Edit: Forgot to mention shes a supervisor, that made it a little more nerve racking haha
That nosey bitch.....The nerve of some people walking around the hardware store

The Outdoorsman

Well-Known Member
Similar thing happened at walmart this last fall. I was going in for a case of mason jars and the lady next to me asks
"Oh what are you making?"
Straight up caught me off guard and stuttered a bit before saying
"Oh Salsa"
"Oh me too!" (older milf, can only assume she was interested)
"Yeah...." I said (shuffled away awkwardly)

In hindsight I should of offered her a hand in the kitchen.
That's my story.


Well-Known Member
When somebody gets too nosy about what I'm shopping for, I always give them the old, "I dunno. They said buy this or they would detonate the bomb around my waist" excuse. They wander off pretty quickly after that.


New Member
You think thats bad? Last year I got pissed and quit my job.The following sunday morning the two boss's show up at my house when there were about 10 guys smoking 20 joints.I just happen to be having a party for the Daytona 500.They still asked me to come back to work.lol.They coughed when I opened the door.ROFLMAO


Well-Known Member
You think thats bad? Last year I got pissed and quit my job.The following sunday morning the two boss's show up at my house when there were about 10 guys smoking 20 joints.I just happen to be having a party for the Daytona 500.They still asked me to come back to work.lol.They coughed when I opened the door.ROFLMAO
Are fluffer jobs that hard to come by? You must have been the best fluffer they had seen. :P