Ran Into Some Money, What to do?


Well-Known Member
Alright so I recently ran into a decent chunk of money and was wondering what you guys thought I should do with it. I will be growing in a decently sized walk in closet (9X5 and about 8 feet tall) and have all of the equipment for a soil grow as that is what I'm currently working on. So here are a few things I'm wondering about for this new grow:

First off, Hydro, Aero, or Soil? A few factors that will go into my decision are potential yield, personal work that I need to put into this system to maintain it, etc.

I'm pretty handy and can build just about anything, thus If I go Aero, I will be building FF's set up, let me see if I can find the link....https://www.rollitup.org/hydroponics-aeroponics/18869-how-build-aero-setup.html.

If I do Hydro, I will also be building my own setup. If I do this, do you have any recommendations on DIY set ups?

Lastly, if I do soil, I can put all of my the money into an over the top growroom design with all of the extras.

Let me know what you guys think. Right now, Im leaning towards the Aero set up.

Any opinions are appreciated thank you. Let me know if I left anything out.


Well-Known Member
Ok so you got your tax return huh? haha sounds like a good time to grow to me ;)

IMO i would do hydro because it seems like the best way to grow massive buds indoors. But then again i dont know much about aero so you might be onto something!

Also have you ever done a grow before? Do you have any experience with growing? ...These play a factor in what method to grow because both hydro and aero arent as easy as a soil grow.


Well-Known Member
Aeroponics is the best way to go for the biggest yield for the space and time. Check out see more buds dvd 3 pt. 1 on youtube...


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply, I'm in the middle of a soil grow right now and have about 10 plants vegging in the closet. They're looking healthy and I can't wait to start flowering, however, I feel like the flowering stage is where there is the most to learn. I probably won't start this new grow until after harvest, however, I would love to have a set up ready to go, especially because the money I have now will most likely have been pissed away by the time I harvest my current grow. Also, I may just clone the plants I have in Soil now and after discarding all of the males, keep the moms in veg for a little then cut a bunch of clones for my Aero/Hydro whichever I decide. Thanks. Any opinions are appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Bro if this is ur first grow i would go with soil definitly! though it wil take a bit longer, i think the quality of the stuff wil be better! and hydro and aero can be a little difficult to deal with since u need to get the water at the right temperature , u need to make sure that the nutrients are in proper balance, if something goes wrong ur entire crop can die within hours ! soil is the best for a beginner to gain experience and if u invest in proper lighting u could get a very nice harvest! think it over bro and gud luck wit ur decision!

Cheers :)


Well-Known Member
It's all personal perference, probably the simplest and cheapest effective hydro setup would be bubble buckets/hempy buckets. A few used buckets with lids, cut lid for net pot, a $4 bag of lava rock and a couple bargain fishtank airpumps. No other shit needed and no further assembly required.

Cept nutes.

You can always do more with drainage/ fill lines going to a combined resevoir with a water pump etc too but you don't have to have all that.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all of the feedback. I'm looking to set-up a system that will sustain my needs for a while and want to do things right to get a solid foundation for the future. Any one else have any opinions?


Well-Known Member
i'm going on 6 months of serious growing... am about to be in the same money situation... am currently using soil... and also have grows going on in almost the exact same sized closet you have. i'm gonna stick with soil and when $$$ gets here the only upgrades i plan on are:

bigger lights - maybe 2 600s, at least 1000 (up from 400)

better seeds - something from Attitude's "Connoisseur" selection, maybe a $180 + shipping pack of Jack Herer?

better drainage/floor plan - getting or building a big drainage tub/tray to replace the gerryrigged dough trays i use now. they're funtional, but messy and a pain...

honestly i hope to hear some more replies for you to get ideas myself. good luck!


Well-Known Member
I think your thinking in the right direction. I choose soil for personal but if you want to kick some out, thats the way to go


Active Member
For a first grow, a good idea is to use a soilless mix. You can make your own for real cheap, there are tons of various mixing recipes online. As a beginner, I recommend adding some extra perlite for better drainage (minimize the chances overwatering). Soilless mixes are good because of ease of control while being more forgiving than other hydroponics or aeroponics systems.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
How to Make my Own Hydro Set-Up

1-Rubbermaid Storage Tub
Rockwool cubes or fired clay pellets
Aquarium Pump
Aquarium Hose
3-way Air line splitter
6-slotted pots
Nutrients for Hydroponics
6-42w CFL
2-36” Fluorescents
1 way check valve

Figure 1 slotted Planters
Figure 2 Cut slices so it will hold the planter snug without letting light in
Figure 3 Get a 2 or 3 way Air splitter
Figure 4 Cut notches in the Rubbermaid tub so the lid doesn't pinch the tubes
Figure 5 3 Aquarium Air Stones
Figure 6 Hook up to Splitter
Figure 7 Install a Check valve so your solution won’t pump out in case of power outages
Figure 8 this is what they should look like
Figure 9 How deep the planters should be
Figure 10 Water Aerating
Figure 11 picture from inside


Well-Known Member
Have you guys seen FF's aero build?? After researching more and more on aeroponics I think that that is the way I wanna go. I can customize his build to fit less plants and hopefully use the plants I have growing now to cut clones and just throw them into the aero setup after theyre ready. You think this is a solid plan?


Well-Known Member
What it all boils down to is what YOU want. It is only you who can truely decide bro. Anyway you chose is going to have its drawbacks, but its the end result that you want to think about, and thats what should make the decision for you.

Happy growing dude ;)


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply, I'm in the middle of a soil grow right now and have about 10 plants vegging in the closet. They're looking healthy and I can't wait to start flowering, however, I feel like the flowering stage is where there is the most to learn. I probably won't start this new grow until after harvest, however, I would love to have a set up ready to go, especially because the money I have now will most likely have been pissed away by the time I harvest my current grow. Also, I may just clone the plants I have in Soil now and after discarding all of the males, keep the moms in veg for a little then cut a bunch of clones for my Aero/Hydro whichever I decide. Thanks. Any opinions are appreciated.
Yeah the nice thing about running a perpetual aeroponics is your can just take clippings from your plants right before you send them into flower and stick them directly into the veg box for your next crop.