Random question while my homemade pizza is cooking!


Active Member
Ok. Sit back and take a toke and let me clarify. I love the taste of top shelf marijuana and enjoy the buzz that is presented with it. Indica or sativa. But I have noticed a change or different craving for food other than sweets with smoking the resin, example.... Good smoke, easy access pipe for cleaning. I always use a little green for it to bind to. Have my utensils ready. (If you got an old pair of glasses, pull the plastic comfort cover off and its better than a paper clip) But the hunger is different. My cravings are defined different! Resin causes me to be creative with a entree or appetizer but regular green makes me have the craving for things like twix, kit kats etc.. Just a random thought brought to you by SFL! "Hope you pipes are full as are your lungs"


Well-Known Member
havne't smoked resin in years, but I find my tastebuds aren't discriminatory: If I start eating ANYTHING while stoned I don't stop until I'm sick. So I try to eat BEFORE I smoke.


Well-Known Member
eating after smoking kills the high (antagonist).. I try not too.. yes higher thc content will give stronger cravings for sweets (effects blood sugar and pancreas)