random seed grow

I am a noob bare with me

planted 22nd Feb.

I am not trying to do the best grow its just random seed like didn't go out my way to buy a tent etc lol

22nd Feb. planted so been around 4-5 weeks in veg

been fed etc with old powder feed i found

I do have some short FLOWERING POWDER FEED AT NPK 16+6+26 ( 10G FOR 10l)

so with the veg feed I would put like 0.3-5 in 500ml of water and do it that way as the npk for grow feed was 24/6/12

what I want to know is it okay to flip 12/12 now or is it to early ?

36 days its been in veg now on 18/6 but at first it was on 20-4 but i thought it was struggling hence going to 18/6

I am not used to LST otherwise I would of done this

also anything I can cut of to help let me know thanks CLICK HERE for video PASSWORD IS grow

the bottom leaf looks yellow on the video but in person its not actually yellow its weird

if you need any more pics of the tops anything let me know
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Looks like it would benefit from a few more weeks in veg to me. If you do that, you could top it now too.
okay so 2-3 more weeks in veg then

WITH my cfl is it best to have the lights above not far then i guess this is accurate

I am just worried about the stuff underneath that will struggle to get light and grow
I am going to put another light somewhere like sideways towards it for undergrowth if it does come to this

but thanks for any tips
I am honestly starting to give up tbh so what would happen if i put into 12/12 now i really just want it to grow and then i can start over with proper equipment etc

plants mess with my mental health hahahaha
Update - was put into flower on 30th march, give it some short flowering feed( powder feed measurements are fine ) 500ml and much dropped out the bottom , I am always unsure when to water even when soils dry I think I am overwatering lol or underwatering but here is the progress up to now

anything i can do to help please give me any tips i mean like as you see its getting dark under so any suggestions would be good :/

CLICK HERE for video PASSWORD is flower

sorry about the angle of the video my tab wasn't auto rotating so lol

and sorry if you do not like the music :)
Use medium binder clips from staples. Just click them down on the leaves you want bent...I got GREAT results using them
I do have some wire for doing this but I don't want to damage anything and not very good with any of it, it will be fine only been in flower for 5 days lol I did order another light holder but it come and I got scammed it had a dimmer on it and kept flickering the bulb but didn't show a dimmer in the pic

I am a stoner man when you say clip this down and that down it would help if you watch the current video above and screenshot and mark what would help to be tied down, otherwise I THINK i will just leave it and let it grow lol

from the video it does look like its growing fine though at the moment I just have bad anxiety so not good for me growing I think somethings wrong when its not haha

in your opinion does it look okay the progress now in the flowering video and thanks for the reply
can i ask how long would i have this in flower for ? 6 weeks , 8 weeks or longer or would I be basing it off how it looks as no info about the seed anything not even sure if sativa / indica, could be an auto for all i know lol