Randomly lost a plant to dampening off??? strain related why i put it here.


Well-Known Member
Ok so theres 3 plants that are pretty unhealthy in my garden....... well 2 now...

EmDog by HSO, One of them is holding in there with just a bit of yellowing and deadness but the other 2 are BAD. one was the big mutant plant that grew about 15 nodes in the same square inch. now this plant smells like a hay barn all of a sudden today. a buncha leaves are dead. its all pretty droopy and dead. id say its been overwatered for the last week or so but i know it hasnt. it feels like it sat in a puddle just soaking. but the rootball was just dry yesterday and i fed it last night.

this plant is very mutated so idk maybe something to do with that? i cut it down either way. aint nobody got time for dat!

anyone have any idears as to what mighta happened i hate to see another one go.

and il get some pics of the corpse here in a minute. baby duty ATM


Well-Known Member
LOL i meant to post this is seed and strain review LOL. either way i was gonna link over here for you guys. anything to do with the fall? extra damp outside and i bring in outside air? some sorta pathogen maybe?


Well-Known Member
so i have a bit of a theory. the plant was very very strange. it exploded into branches about 10 nodes from the main stem and at that spot A TON of buds are all mashed together. then theres another spot where it seems to be the wettest where its about the same story, TOO MANY NODES not enough airflow. would this cause the plant to turn into hay mush?


Well-Known Member
Have you used any bloom boosters lately that are high in p and k?

This is exactly what happened to some of my girls two days after a high ok pk bloom booster


Well-Known Member
Kinda, Dyna gro mag pro 2 ml per gallon is part of my run. everything seems to be loving my room and my nutes except a couple kryptonites and a the emdogs. the first week or so here was a little tought on a few of them.

they are all seperate seeds too so its not a stretch of the imagination to think that i coulda got some quirky ones. ive had other seeds before that just never want to get healthy before just never one that just turned into wet hay mush.


Well-Known Member
i just googled that and some of the pics do look familiar. maybe i caught it at the beginning? ive never had one do it before but i remember jorge talkin bout it in one of his movies.... whats the cause again?


Well-Known Member
Usually its spread thru soil it can also be brought by the seeds themselves if they have been exposed. I have never had it and hope I never do so I don't really know how to get rid of it. I do remember seeing a video at some point about myco/beneficial bacteria slowly killing it off fusarium. I believe it was a compost tea video and they showed it actually attacking the fusarium under a microscope.

Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
thats what ive been reading about the fussarium. if a plant has a compromised immune system at all or if its just a weak plant in general its got a higher chance at catching it. there really wasnt any tell tale browning so im still not too sure but im definitly watching the rest of my girls like a hawk. i might give em all a big blast of H202 and then reinoculate afterwards hoping to keep it at bay.