Rant about work.


Active Member
So I just need to rant,

Pretty much over today.

First off I want to state that I have a great job, It pays well for the minimal hours I have to work. However,

I've been here about 8 months now and there are only 3 people that work this business, Me, my boss and the book keeper.
The longer I am here, The more responsibilities I have been given. I was hired on as a computer tech and to handle website advertisement including answering emails/phone calls/running the website ect

I of course wanted to excel in my workplace so I would take on little things that were not really my responsibility but I wanted to help my boss out. Now he assumes those things are my job to take care of all the time, And keeps adding things in. Running errands, Taking care of documents that have nothing to do with the website or online business, going to meetings he is supposed to be apart of and I am not, Handling book keeping on the days the book keeper is off ect.

Last week a customer had a problem that my boss was 5 minutes away from, I had already left work and had just pulled into my driveway (a 30 minute drive) when my cell ring and my boss asked me if I could come back and take a look at this persons technical issue. I asked my boss a few common sense questions regarding the situation in an effort to prove myself useless to help and it being a waste to make the drive and he couldn't answer them (probably because he didn't care) and said he would pay me to come back and take care of it.

So on my Friday I drove all the way back in evening traffic and discovered the answer to my common sense questions which resulted in there being nothing I could do, So I had to turn around and drive back. It's been a week and a half and he has yet to pay me for this.

Today I get into work and on my desk are two documents that are NOT supposed to be my responsibility to take care of with a note asking me to take care of them. The part that aggravates me is he got these on Friday and let them sit all weekend just so he wouldn't have to do them. On top of that there were 56 emails I had to respond to, Update the website, Update all of our boards, and handle the checks coming in (not my responsibility)

Mean while, Every call that comes in he is forwarding to me. Every stuff that he could take 2 minutes to handle himself because he is doing nothing but browsing the internet and checking his personal email. So I say to myself just get over it, Do your work.

Then a customer comes in, While I am on the phone assisting another customer. I put my customer on hold and the person that walked in told me what they needed... I go back and ask my boss if he could handle the customer because I am in the middle of a business transaction on the phone. My boss through his hands in the air and was like "that's your job... handle it....thats what you do"

so I said I'm on the phone with another customer (which he knew)

so he sigh'd that disgusting snobby sigh and put his jacket on and stomped out to the front where the customer was.

I just wanted to vent really. I'm not usually one that complains, But I can't tell if I am being irrational and just need to suck it up because its a job or if this is legit crap.
I came into this job under the notion that I was a computer tech and handled internet stuff, I was paid accordingly. Now I am a secretary, Runner, customer service rep, book keeper and everything else on top of my other job and not getting paid a dime more.

I was okay with it more when my boss showed appreciation for my extra effort, But now that he is being a dick about me not doing things that are not my job I am really over it.

Anyways, anyone have any input?
Sit down with him and tell him all of this. As he sees that you are a seemingly invaluable employee, he can't do without you. Ask for a raise, or more hours, or whatever you want. If he's a good boss he should now understand what you do and raining someone to replace you would take forever to train someone.
Ask for a raise plain and simple workload has increased and youveb been there for 8 months.. Should have had a raise 2 months ago at the 6 month mark if not tell him your walking out today and plan to if you do hell more than likely give you the raise
he might come round and stop being a lazy twat and realize he doesnt need you, be careful is all im saying. good luck.
Well, I see this as your boss thinks you his slave, and will never pay you what you are worth, because, he will just replace you with another slave, that is willing to work harder, for less.
Who did you replace when you started there....
Just expect for your boss to treat you like sheiot all the time, don't be shocked when he is an ass, because he is an ego driven ass...
Be happy and surprised when he's not a dictator/slave driver ass....
love the work i do, but only when i get put on a machine, or get handed a full days work. i cant stand sitting around trying to figure out things to read.
Thanks guys for all the replies,

Thats the funny thing.. there was no one before me. The website they had was this crappy half done junk because they paid some outside person to do it.

I came in and built the whole new website and started running things they never had before. They were clueless,

There was a honeymoon stage there for a while when I first came in, Now it's just expected work on top of new expected work and no new pay.
I think I will start looking for another job but keep it on the down low. Maybe even go back to school