Rapid Rooter Plugs - for seeds


Active Member
Ok -

My seeds (previously soaked in wet paper towels and put on a seed heating mat) have cracked

My questions:

Do I need to soak the Seed Starters like Rockwool?

Do I need to pH the water first? (its bottled distilled) ?

Do I put them back under the humidity dome and on the heating mat?

Thanks in advance

Sorry for being a pain - but I want to make certain to get it exactly right this time.....

Thanks again



Well-Known Member
Rapid rooters should be soaked, then squeezed gently to remove some water, drop the seedling in root tip down, and set the rapid rooter plugs in 1/4 inch of water in a tray.

You can put them under the humidity dome or not, your choice. As long as the plug stays wet it'll be fine.


Active Member
Hi Kali

Thanks again for the help

Quick question per your response:

The Starter Plugs I have came with a small tray/holder combo - (see attached pic)

do I put the water in the tray that they came in?

and - Do I put the water in once or do I maintain the level (1/4") until I transplant the seedlings into a Drip/Top Feed System

Thanks again in advance




Well-Known Member
the tray the six-pack holder sits in gets the water, then the holder pus rooting plugs sit in that, yes. And you will maintain the water level. It'll be gone near daily anyways if you have ideal growing conditions.