Rapid rooter plugs vs rockwool


Well-Known Member
GM rollitup family I have a question I have been using rockwool for past 10 years and have had many problems with it. I wanted to try rapid rooter plugs. How are they? Rockwool stays to wet for me I usually put rockwool in net pots with clay pebbles on top. I like to feed every couple min with top drip system or aeroponics but the rockwool just stays to wet. What is the best option now in 2022 never tried rapid rooter plugs yet are they better then rockwool. They don't hold water as long? Need the best option that I can use to start seeds then transplant into net pots that is better then wet ass rockwool please help
I've been using rapid rooters for decades with great success.
The only time I ever had damping off was when I tried rockwool.
Just soak the rapid rooters and squeeze out the excess.
Place the seed in the hole.
Tear off a piece of rooter to cover the hole.
Place it in a drawer.
Check a couple of times a day and keep the top moist with a medicine dropper.
In 3-4 days they will sprout.
10 for 10 last time.
4 days from planting.JPG
Hope that helps.
Def helps I am done with rockwool after this grow. So they don't hold water as much as rockwool, that would be great for me because I geed every few min.
I'd go with the rooters. I used rockwool years ago for one grow and I never used it again. I know some people like it and do just fine with it. I didn't care for it at all.

You say that you feed every couple of minutes and it stays too wet. Why not water less often?
I'm also a huge fan of rooters. I'm actually trying out some cheaper ones made by Viagro, which are almost identical to RR but a bit skinnier. Honestly, I'm not going to cheap out again, I'm just going to stick with Root Riot cubes which are my fave. You can really dial in the perfect moisture level in them easily and keep it there, and they transplant perfectly into coco. Great for seeds and rooting cuttings.
I'm also a huge fan of rooters. I'm actually trying out some cheaper ones made by Viagro, which are almost identical to RR but a bit skinnier. Honestly, I'm not going to cheap out again, I'm just going to stick with Root Riot cubes which are my fave. You can really dial in the perfect moisture level in them easily and keep it there, and they transplant perfectly into coco. Great for seeds and rooting cuttings.
How do you dial in the mousture level? I've had issues where they just get too dry too quick.
I'd go with the rooters. I used rockwool years ago for one grow and I never used it again. I know some people like it and do just fine with it. I didn't care for it at all.

You say that you feed every couple of minutes and it stays too wet. Why not water less often?
I tried in the beginning 15 minutes on 3 times a day which worked but when I slowed drip down a lot and feed 1 min on 5 off slow drip plants grew way faster and are doing a lot better now
That's why I am dropping rockwool and going with rapid rooter. I feed slow drip and they seem to like it. Rockwool stays to wet for me. So anybody know if rapid rooter hold on to water less then rockwool that what I am looking for.
i use RR's in a small aero unit and they stay soaking wet all the time without issues
Good that what I am looking for the rockwool when I keep wet to often gave me root rot many times. So I am wondering if rapid rooter will be better then rockwool as far as root rot and damping off disease
I prefer a bubble cloner. But second to that is rockwool, and then plugs third.

Here's a tip for rockwool.. Put a half-inch layer of vermiculite below your cubes. It will help to keep the cubes at a more even and steady moisture level. You'll also have to water them less often because the vermiculite acts as a res of sorts, wicking moisture and then releasing it as needed.
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Also a fan of the RR trays. I set mine on a heat mat with a dome. Temp at 80 degrees. All you have to do is make sure the channels in the bottom of the tray are always full of water/slight feed (if cloning) and you're good.
Also a fan of the RR trays. I set mine on a heat mat with a dome. Temp at 80 degrees. All you have to do is make sure the channels in the bottom of the tray are always full of water/slight feed (if cloning) and you're good.
I’m about to give cloning a go. I have a bubbler but I’m deciding to go the RR way. I saw a thread where people had bad luck with the ezcloners so I’m leaning away from them. So you would use an open tray as opposed to the RR trays that hold them better?

I’ll use some fresh aloe/kelp/fulvic but I’m not going to buy any other magic potions besides the RR.
I’m about to give cloning a go. I have a bubbler but I’m deciding to go the RR way. I saw a thread where people had bad luck with the ezcloners so I’m leaning away from them. So you would use an open tray as opposed to the RR trays that hold them better?

I’ll use some fresh aloe/kelp/fulvic but I’m not going to buy any other magic potions besides the RR.
I like the trays that come with them... I only have to check the water level every day or so. I had pretty good luck with aerocloners at first, but then for some reason, they just quit being as successful... plus I hated cleaning those things. With the RR trays, once they root out and I transplant, I just toss them and get new ones. Hell, they even sell them at ACE Hardware these days.

I've happily been using Rapid Rooters for years, I've never lost a sprout.

I germinate in a paper towel, inside a zip lock bag, on a 85F heating pad.

The Rapid Rooters don't come in to the picture until after the seed sprouts (with my method) - I snip up one side of the RR with a pair of scissors, open it like a book and gently place the sprout in the RR. Close the RR book and plant being sure to keep the RR shut.



I like Rapid Rooters.

That's why I am dropping rockwool and going with rapid rooter. I feed slow drip and they seem to like it. Rockwool stays to wet for me. So anybody know if rapid rooter hold on to water less then rockwool that what I am looking for.

big mistake I see with rockwool is too frequent/much watering.
if you keep dripping water into a sponge its going to stay wet.
it needs to be able to dry down between waterings.
I'm no expert, but I did just have success for my first cloning using RR plugs, in a dome/tray over a heat mat set to 78F. I followed the buildasoil method and it worked for me. I just spray the plugs with a little water, or dunk them in a cup every few days. Lots of roots in 11 days except for one I kinda broke stabbing it into the plug. Now, I use a chopstick to ream out the hole a little before inserting the cut.