Rapid Rooter/Root Riot tray?


Active Member
hey guys,
Just picked up some root riot plugs for my next attempt at cloning. i also picked up a tray and dome combo. But the tray does not have individual slots for the plugs, its just a standard tray with sections for drainage.
Do I absolutely need/require a tray with individual cells for the plugs, or will my clones/future seedlings be fine without a tray with individual cells?
thx guys


Active Member
reading all of that shit twice has given me ringing in my eyes
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Anyone have an idea?

My tray looks like so: 1020-tray-wo-holes-001gray1.jpg
Is it necessary to have insert trays like the ones shown here:DSC_1193.JPG , or will I be fine with just standing up the plugs in my tray?


Well-Known Member
Just turn your rapid rooters upside down and poke a new hole with something real narrow. They'll root just fine upside down, standing up on the flat "top" all on their own


Well-Known Member
It's the heat from the seedling mat and the humidity inside the humidity dome. I do the same thing in a food storage bag on a reptile mat from PetSmart. Rockwool cube, seed popped in 2 days (White Widow Auto) and it's cruising right along. KISS!

John Jacob

Active Member
you definitely don't NEED the holes but they do come with some advantages obivously avoiding the plugs from tipping over but also covering the walls so the roots are covered once they start popping out the bottom and sides, and it helps keep the plug moist and not be able to dry out so quickly as it will in the flat tray. So as long as you know these advantages and make the proper adjustments like covering up the bottom and walls of the plugs itll work all the same. Good luck!


Active Member
you definitely don't NEED the holes but they do come with some advantages obivously avoiding the plugs from tipping over but also covering the walls so the roots are covered once they start popping out the bottom and sides, and it helps keep the plug moist and not be able to dry out so quickly as it will in the flat tray. So as long as you know these advantages and make the proper adjustments like covering up the bottom and walls of the plugs itll work all the same. Good luck!
Most informative reply, thank you SO much. It seems answering a simple question is too hard now a days. +rep


u can also just buy one of the really cheap propogator trays and cut to what size u need,i do that it works really well in what ever size propogator u have or use one clear and one dark coloured desert pot,holes in bottom of both plug inside and clear one on top,this worked for me for a long time when i grew,that way u can go as small or large as u want.makes me wish i still grew,,lol
Most informative reply, thank you SO much. It seems answering a simple question is too hard now a days. +rep

smoke doubt

Active Member
you can also buy a product called 'clonex mist,' new on the market. it's for foliar feeding and humidity to be used 2 to 3 day intervals or if your clones appear to be drying. i recommend it

smoke doubt

Active Member
it's also a good idea to double up the trays i.e. one inside the other. this makes things down there much darker, roots like dark.