rate/critic/improve on my buddys next setup/technique...finally gone proffesional

my buddy just invested heavy into his setup. he just got
-2 new 600w bulbs with 30%more blue light.
- a bunch of these mini compact black lights to increase uv ray levels
- he also got cool tubes for each that will connect to the same exhaust.
-the tubing and the fan for the exhaust which will exhaust up into the attic
we also put a direct air intake to the outside in his wall (sliding door to close for colder months, with a 3 inch radius fan in it that turns on when lights are out)
- i being the great friend that i am got him a pricy environmental control regulator that will hook up to his air conditioner, co2 regulator, and dehumidifier and cool tube exhaust.
- the conditions will be as such:
first half of flowering at 1200ppm CO2, 70% humidity, 78 degrees with light on... second half of flower at 1200 ppm Co2 then stopped for the flush, 40-50% humidity, at 78 degrees when lights are on

-i know he uses fox farm soil, not sure what he mixes in it... the last 2 inches are rock for drainoff.

- he uses 5 gallon buckets in a 20 square foot room. next batch hes trying 16 ladies. this is an upgrade from the 12x12 tent the set up is currently in

-his nutrients are the humbolt master series, mollases, and a few other tricks hes got

his usuall method is a 4-6 week veg with 2-3 toppings, he strips the bottoms and focuses on his colas.

THE ONLY CHANGES i want from here are a reverse osmosis machine for his water, and a switch to advance nutrients

anything anyone would think to add? any help would be much appreciated!!!!!