RCMP Officer Landlord: Too Risky?


Active Member
I will soon be moving into an appartment, and I just found out that my landlord is not only a landlord, but an RCMP officer! Shitty! :roll:

Would it be too risky to grow? :cry:

Is he allowed to come in and snoop through my stuff for no reason? And if he does, what could he do about it? Should I put a pair of panties over my grow box so he's too embarassed to go there? Perhaps I could set up my webcam there as well?

I'm looking forward to your responses.

(For those out there who know nothing about Canada, the RCMP is our police:mrgreen:)


Active Member
hmmm i dunno. had a buddy at an apartment who had the chicks come in randomly that worked at the office. well ya he got scared and flushed them down the toilet but the funny thing is the girls we talked to at the office were amazed. they said they ran into grows before there but this was just out of their minds compared to what else they have seen. but yea i personally would not do it. too many risks involved. but if you must, keep to yourself and have a regular daily schedule that does not draw attention to you. you wanna be just another sheep in tha heard, and tell him to never come over without your consent if thats possible.. i told my complex that and they havnt messed with me. gl peace :peace::joint::joint:


Well-Known Member
if you control the smell it shouldnt be a problem. they have to give a notice of usually 24hrs before they can "inspect" but each place may be different. make sure you read your rental agreements thoroughly !!