RDWC grow on a DIY unit. White Widow feminised, 400 Watt


Well-Known Member
Up to July that I started getting interested in growing, I had no idea what DWC or RDWC was. But that's why rollitup is, the amount of info here is amazing. So I kinda dedicate this grow to all the people here who taught me to grow and what a lovely experience it is.

As amazing are some of the journals that have been written. I drew my inspiration from Dayzt's Tangerine Dream and decided that I should give it a go as well.

Being an unemployed musician (we play a lot but there's no money for it :? ) I wasn't going to give my petty cash towards something that I thought I can build with half the money. So I made myself this:

The bucket is a 21 litre ordinary bin, on top of it sits a small basin that should be about 4-5 litres. There are some amazing plans on the net about how to build a RDWC unit which I followed successfully. It's no big deal really. If you can handle a drill then you're ready to give it a go.

The total cost of the unit was at 52 euros (10 for the bucket and basin, 39 for the two air pumps, the airstone and the tubing, and the rest 3 are more or less the plastic parts, rough estimate). I'm using 2 air pumps instead of one, the one is recirculating the water, the other one is on the airstone. With the extra pump I can send cooler air from outside the tent into the reservoir so I can keep the temperature down, and hell, the extra oxygen will only do good :hump:

The hydroton was washed thoroughly and the unit was working for 6 days with just water to work it a bit and check for leaks from where the grommet is placed. I had a tiny one but managed to fix it after some thought. What happened, was that the hole I created for it was a tiny bit larger that it had to be (about a millimetre). To fix it, I placed some tubing at the ankle which increased its diametre.

Also, not having the ability to pay for a RO filter, I'll be using my tap water. This is not as bad as it sounds since it's water from a drill that goes down to 140 meters, I draw from 107m depth and there is about 30 metre rock on top of that. Yes the ppms are at 225 (tho sometimes i did measure it at 240) but at least it's all natural. No chlorine or any other additives. So yeap, I'll go with that at least till I can spare some money for a filter which might take a while.

I've planted a White Widow feminised from amsterdammarijuanaseeds.com

On the 28th of October it was put in a coco cube and placed on a plate covered with a transparent party cup to help with the moisture. Once the seed cracked it was placed in the RDWC unit on the 1st of November.

For the first days it was covered with the plastic cup to improve the humidity and to avoid it drying up. Once the cup left since the plant outgrew it, a piece of black and white plastic was placed over the hydroton.
This picture is from today. The cover has been there for about 7 days or so, took it off on Friday and placed a new one today. I took it off since I replaced the ring at that time as I explain later on.

As said, the cover was there to avoid spillage. When I drilled it to create the holes, accidentally in some places I drilled all the way through which created holes on the top of it as well. The holes on the new one were made with a tiny screwdriver and were enlarged a bit using a larger one, so that's fixed now.

Today we're on day 13 since germination. Some roots as you can see are already making their way down.

So far I've been trying to keep my ph at 5.4 to 6.5. I'm not trying to be a control freak, the fluctuations aren't that bad and it'll get steadier when I start using more nutes.

Talking about nutes, on it's second week I gave it foolishly 600 ppms (final read, including the water ppms). She showed me almost immediately that it was a bit too much for her, so after a couple of hours took it down to 460 which she liked. At the moment it reads 530, she doesn't seem to mind so I'll let it ride a bit. I'm also thinking on changing the rez tomorrow, give the roots some fresh water as they'll start to settle down there.

And that's about it for now. All comments/advice/anything are welcome :weed:


Well-Known Member
Decided to change to reservoir today, gave her 15 litres of fresh water. Ph settled at 5.63, ppms at 420. I forgot to say that I'm using the Flora series.


Well-Known Member
Subbed mate!
Nice DIY RDWC unit you got there. Best of luck on your grow and +Rep!
Cheers mate, I appreciate it. A poor man's grow :)

An update on the readings. ppm went to 485, ph went quite high, I corrected it at 5.59. Water rez temperature at 21C, tent temperature 28.3C and humidity at 45% (a bit low there).


Well-Known Member
Nothing much to report. Ph keeps rising, was at 7.15 I'm going to let it go for a few hours, will see how it goes during the day. If it goes over 7.5 I'll adjust it slightly to 6.8 (I don't want to do major adjustments).

Pppm are at 502 which means that she's not using any nutes at the moment, hence the reason why I don't care that much for the ph increase.

I have some heating problems in the house and during lights off in the day the temperature dropped at around 13.5 C for a few hours, I hope it won't hurt the grow and that the fucken heating engineer will come around soon to fix my burner!

Some photos now



Well-Known Member
Got a bit of a problem, my leaves are droopy! This has been going on for about a day it might have started when I changed the rez, point is that I can't figure out what it could be. From my research here and in other fora, looks like it's because of the ph fluctuations. :neutral:

Here you can see her from yesterday when I adjusted the ph at 5.8 and lowered the ppms to 400.

Here's from today as soon as lights went on. ph was at around 6.6, brought it down again to 5.55 and ppms to 393.

and another one

She looks much better on the top. So that should be it. Ah, I also reduced the volume of the rez from 15 litres to 10 litres. There were some discussion about overfeeding and thought to give it a try since before the rez change I had her on 10 litres, not 15. I'm kind of undoing stuff!

Is she ok? What do you think? Any thoughts are appreciated. Got some lessons to give today so I won't be able to reply and discuss till about midnight (+2 GMT).

Thanks in advance :)


Well-Known Member
Almost an hour later ph remains steady at 5.8 and ppms at 393. She looks the same as before, I hope she'll recover soon.


Well-Known Member
yes bluez well played on making the decision to start ur career here, u wont regret it, unless u get caught! haha. To be honest i'd rather get caught than carry on paying stuuuuuuuupid prices for sub-standard grade.

Next grow i've decided to make it a DWC for the speed of growth so am definitely keeping an eye on this journal.

Looks real good so far from what i can tell, keep it up!


Well-Known Member
yes bluez well played on making the decision to start ur career here, u wont regret it, unless u get caught! haha. To be honest i'd rather get caught than carry on paying stuuuuuuuupid prices for sub-standard grade.

Next grow i've decided to make it a DWC for the speed of growth so am definitely keeping an eye on this journal.

Looks real good so far from what i can tell, keep it up!
Cheers mate, appreciate it :) Yeah, it's preposterous having to pay hundreds of quid per month (it's me and my wife that smoke) for total shite that's out there. I'm also following the no smell/no sell/no tell rule, and as I'm living quite outside of the usual residential areas I don't think I'm going to run into any problems :)

I got the plans for the unit at http://www.hydro-plans.com/ , helped quite a lot at constructing it.


Well-Known Member
Cheers mate, appreciate it :) Yeah, it's preposterous having to pay hundreds of quid per month (it's me and my wife that smoke) for total shite that's out there. I'm also following the no smell/no sell/no tell rule, and as I'm living quite outside of the usual residential areas I don't think I'm going to run into any problems :)

I got the plans for the unit at http://www.hydro-plans.com/ , helped quite a lot at constructing it.
Sounds like u've given this some thought, there's no better rule to follow. I wish i lived in some rural countryside location, where ppl just leave u alone, no-body knows you ect. You can do what u want, no police screaming up and down ur road on a daily basis.... one day.... Then i can dedicate a whole room. Its more than just the prices, its also knowing what ur smoking which is a big factor for me. i like to stick to certain highs and stay away from others. I've heard from ppl who still link draws that they're getting smaller and smaller, and the bud is getting shitter and shitter! I heard this 2 years ago and thought to myself THEN, they're taking the piss! Can't imagin linkin a draw now a days... thats all in the past for me. I hav vowed never to buy weed again in this country, unless off another grower.

Anyway cheers for the link, been bookmarked.


Well-Known Member
Ta mate. My next plan is to build a greenhouse but for legal grows (tomatoes etc). I started to love growing stuff :)


Well-Known Member
firstly subbed, and second of all i have the exact same droopy leaves problem, even to the point that one of my lower leaves kicks to the right exactly the same as yours. the problem is identical. im fairly sure its overwatering as it has happened twice now and i changed to a 1/2 hr on 1hr off feeding schedule wit the pump off tonight. it seems to get better but then i hear that not running it all the time can cause bud rot and res problems so i switch back and hey presto it seems to be back again. i have just switched back to the lower schedule again so i will see what happens and i will get in touch with my results asap. meanwhile if u have any luck with your research i would appreciate any feedback.


Well-Known Member
firstly subbed, and second of all i have the exact same droopy leaves problem, even to the point that one of my lower leaves kicks to the right exactly the same as yours. the problem is identical. im fairly sure its overwatering as it has happened twice now and i changed to a 1/2 hr on 1hr off feeding schedule wit the pump off tonight. it seems to get better but then i hear that not running it all the time can cause bud rot and res problems so i switch back and hey presto it seems to be back again. i have just switched back to the lower schedule again so i will see what happens and i will get in touch with my results asap. meanwhile if u have any luck with your research i would appreciate any feedback.
Thanks for being here and let's wish us both good luck. :smile: I've subbed at your thread and hopefully we can deal with this shit. Nice plants btw, the nute problem will defo go away soon :)

Anyway, here's how she looks after several hours. Ph rose a bit, but only slightly (to 6.18 ) brought it back down to 5.6. Ppms at 430, she doesn't seem to want any nutes.

And another perspective

In my eyes she looks a bit better. But there has to be something that has to be done. Before writing this post I also checked forgetiwashere's thread and we do have the same problem, I don't think it is because of ph. As forgetiwashere said has to be overwatering, so I was going to put the ring's pump on the light timer in order to have it off when lights are off but since I have extra tubing (DIY rules!) I decided to make another ring with smaller holes and not as dense. I've also removed the black/white sheet from the hydroton.

So, we'll see how things appear tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
there is one other thing this could be i have done a lot of research and i'm starting to think that it could be too much nutrients. its not quite enough to burn her but it could be enough to create the osmosis effect where it draws moisture out of the plants through the roots causing the droop. if mine isnt looking better by tomorrow morning on the new feed schedule im giving her a really good flush for a couple of days. the more research i do the more i think this could be the problem but i have to rule out overwatering first.


Well-Known Member
there is one other thing this could be i have done a lot of research and i'm starting to think that it could be too much nutrients. its not quite enough to burn her but it could be enough to create the osmosis effect where it draws moisture out of the plants through the roots causing the droop. if mine isnt looking better by tomorrow morning on the new feed schedule im giving her a really good flush for a couple of days. the more research i do the more i think this could be the problem but i have to rule out overwatering first.
I don't know if it's got to do with the nutes. If you read in my previous posts, I did go heavy on her at some point but then when I stabilised her at around 450 she seemed to be ok with that. My leaves started getting droopy after I came from an out of town gig. At that point a couple of things happened. I changed the rez from 10 to 15 litres as some roots were making their way down in the bucket, and I enlarged the holes on the new ring I had placed just before going away, so there is a case for overfeeding. Anyway, we shall see about that by seeing how she goes. This is a pic from a few minutes ago, just before lights out (my light schedule is 15:00 to 09:00)

You can see the top is looking much better comparing to the photo I took about 8 hours ago. I got some shit to do in town today, I'll try to make it back when lights come up and take another picture for even better comparison. We'll beat this crap, no argument about that :)


Well-Known Member
Heya bluez... looks like your baby is going through some of the usual 'waterfarm growing pains'... try not to over-think things here, I really don't think you have a big problem. It seems like different strains' roots adjust to the hydroton-to-water environment differently. Have a look at my VK during it's first 2-3 weeks and notice how 'droopy' she looks as well. I would recommend keeping that pump running 24/7, and try to keep your water level in the rez even with the bottom of the grow-chamber bucket that sits inside of it. The idea here, is to keep that rez water-level right where the roots are coming through the top bucket since that is where the bubbles hit the surface, and oxygen is delivered at the highest level to the new roots. (this is part of the 'magic' that makes this whole system excellerate the plant growth) The oxygen levels in the water spurting through the drip ring is also high, so as it cycles down back through the roots within the hydroton, it also delivers more oxygenated water to them on it's way back down.

I've seen a few people 'over-react' to strange occurances in the first few weeks of growing in this type of system - the best advice (in addition to the above) I can give is to just tough it out, and not to worry - your plant will survive and come out to be a stronger plant later on because of it... remember that the plant is trying to adjust, so don't change things up too much, or it will take longer to recover.

I'm seeing some really impressive growth here - in a few short weeks, you'll look back at these minor issues and wonder how you could have been so worried for nothing... :smile:

Kudos on the home-made setup - I wish I were as handy! Keep it up! Subbed up and settling in for the long haul! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Heya bluez... looks like your baby is going through some of the usual 'waterfarm growing pains'... try not to over-think things here, I really don't think you have a big problem. It seems like different strains' roots adjust to the hydroton-to-water environment differently. Have a look at my VK during it's first 2-3 weeks and notice how 'droopy' she looks as well. I would recommend keeping that pump running 24/7, and try to keep your water level in the rez even with the bottom of the grow-chamber bucket that sits inside of it. The idea here, is to keep that rez water-level right where the roots are coming through the top bucket since that is where the bubbles hit the surface, and oxygen is delivered at the highest level to the new roots. (this is part of the 'magic' that makes this whole system excellerate the plant growth) The oxygen levels in the water spurting through the drip ring is also high, so as it cycles down back through the roots within the hydroton, it also delivers more oxygenated water to them on it's way back down.

I've seen a few people 'over-react' to strange occurances in the first few weeks of growing in this type of system - the best advice (in addition to the above) I can give is to just tough it out, and not to worry - your plant will survive and come out to be a stronger plant later on because of it... remember that the plant is trying to adjust, so don't change things up too much, or it will take longer to recover.

I'm seeing some really impressive growth here - in a few short weeks, you'll look back at these minor issues and wonder how you could have been so worried for nothing... :smile:

Kudos on the home-made setup - I wish I were as handy! Keep it up! Subbed up and settling in for the long haul! :leaf:
Ta very much mate, comforting words that make me feel much better :) Gonna have to go to town to take care of some business, when I come back which will be more or less when lights come on, I'll top up the rez to the 15 litre mark which is right below the bottom of the top bucket.

I know I'm overreacting but being new to growing I can't really help it :)

Thanks again for the support mate, I hope it'll be a good ride (and a good smoke at the end bongsmilie ) As for the setup, cheers but it wasn't really that difficult to make, I'm sure that anyone that can change a light bulb can do it :lol:


Well-Known Member
I think we're onto something. The picture will speak for itself

The time lapse between this picture and the one above is a bit more than 6 hours. As you can see, the leaves are becoming more straight. So what made the change was either a) the fact that the rez went down to 10 litres from 15 or and more possibly b) the new ring with less holes. Right now I've topped up the rez again and we'll see what will happen.


Well-Known Member
good to see your on the mend. my problem isnt proving quite so easy and my girl is taking a turn for the worse. im flushing her today in a hope that it will help.