RDWC Nutrients


Hey all,
this might be a stupid question but I am wondering how to figure out how much water I have/nutrients to add to my rdwc system. It will be filled up from tap so I won't know exactly how many gallons it will have. I'm using 5 13 gal buckets so I am guessing I could estimate about 10 gallons in each bucket?

What do you think, am I overthinking it?

Hey all,
this might be a stupid question but I am wondering how to figure out how much water I have/nutrients to add to my rdwc system. It will be filled up from tap so I won't know exactly how many gallons it will have. I'm using 5 13 gal buckets so I am guessing I could estimate about 10 gallons in each bucket?

What do you think, am I overthinking it?

Just fill a 5 gal bucket before adding and count the buckets until full.
Do a manual fill once and then you know how much is in your system then add nutes one at a time and stir res before adding the next nute ( pump in res works well too)...try not to run res to plants until all nutes are added and mixed well.
Then when you top it up you'll have to measure water amount so you add right concentration(s) of nutes again.
After a couple times you should be able to do it in your sleep. :P
Ok so I figure I'll put my pump in a tote then fill with a 5gal bucket, counting each time to get my approximate volume
1 last thing that may be helpful also is mark the res at points of adding a bucket on the side or somewhere/somehow...use a stick even and mark a line each bucket.
Then you'll know how much your res is down and when it can use a full bucket as top up or what ever amount you choose.