RDWC pump gph help


Active Member
What’s up guys. I’m switching my dwc to RDWC. What’s a good ball park of gph and watts? I see a cheap vivosun with thermometer for like twenty bucks on Amazon. I guess no more going to pet stores (it’s been a decade since I’ve had a run lol). It says it’s 800gph 24w and a lift height of 10’. Im finding this hard to believe and about to order 2 if it does work cause I can use one for my turtle tank and stop lugging buckets of water by hand.
Should be three 4 gallon buckets and a 5 gallon res (ideally this will be a 25gal tote res once the space is all figured out.) so even four 5 gallon buckets is 20 gals. 800/20= 40. This 24w pump is going to move 20 gallons of water around 40 times in an hour? I see pond pumps that are 660gph and higher wattage but more expensive. So I’m kind of thrown off.
Serious question or calling out why I’m switching? A control bucket - easy of use for drains, refills, ppm, etc. I can set up a large 25gal tote, shut offs etc and have my large tote fill my control, feeding into the buckets. Gives me hands free plants. Basically what I was doing by hand with multiple dwc buckets, in a tight spot with huge roots, it’s a pain after 7 weeks of flower. I also run scrog so it’s a lot easier accessing one control bucket vs each one. Ppm, ph, ec is all always pretty on point since I top off from big jug of araited water that add my nuts too.

I prefer these for smaller systems like you suggest. Uses .3 amps, so like 36w? Inline capable, and you could use them to pump water upwards of 2 meter high into your turtle's tank no problem. I know for sure, cause I got an extra one just for that same exact purpose, for my turtle's tank ;)

You should opt for the 25 gal tote right away, if you can find the space. Connect the pump inline with the return plumbing on the outside of it, instead of submerging it down in the solution, would be the best bet.
I use a 800 with another as backup in my rdwc waterfall setup. I don't think I am full utilizing the full amount with my pipe reduction into the the waterfall/spray. No good way for me to test either. Frankly I over did it and bought bigger than I needed. I tend to do that on most things.
What’s up guys. I’m switching my dwc to RDWC. What’s a good ball park of gph and watts? I see a cheap vivosun with thermometer for like twenty bucks on Amazon. I guess no more going to pet stores (it’s been a decade since I’ve had a run lol). It says it’s 800gph 24w and a lift height of 10’. Im finding this hard to believe and about to order 2 if it does work cause I can use one for my turtle tank and stop lugging buckets of water by hand.
Should be three 4 gallon buckets and a 5 gallon res (ideally this will be a 25gal tote res once the space is all figured out.) so even four 5 gallon buckets is 20 gals. 800/20= 40. This 24w pump is going to move 20 gallons of water around 40 times in an hour? I see pond pumps that are 660gph and higher wattage but more expensive. So I’m kind of thrown off.
I'm in hydro but it's one res that holds 26 gallons so it could be different.

Have you checked out the setups at PA Hydro? If your design is similar to one of theirs, that could get you a good idea of what to use.