Re-did my setup! cabinet!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys... i just bought this cabinet... and transfered everything in... after christmass i should have an HPS setup.. and replace those CFL's... As for exhaust and intake... any input on where and how i should put them?Or any other suggestions?thanks!!Here is the pictures!

Very powerful fan.... not an average computer fan.



Well-Known Member
Nice set-up, now get them babies healthy! I like the bit with the computer fan though its looking good.



Well-Known Member
yeah thanks!im trying to put these babies back to normal... i have posted several threads for help... and so far from what everyone says its a PH and overwatering problem.. so i flushed all my plants with 3 galaons of nuetral ph water... and now my ph is at 6.5 in all pots.. hopfully they will start to grow healthy.
oh and the PC fan is one of the thick kinds and its pretty damn powerful! not like a regular PC fan :) i want to get a large pc fan and afix it to the roof of the cabinet or maybe get one of these bathroom vents from home depot.

Kief Reefer

Well-Known Member
I used one of those bathroom fans, but mine was industrial, I think it ran at 4,000 RPM, but that's just a guess. I can tell you I got my hand cought in it and it took off a chunk of my knuckle. In any case, it was too strong for my growbox, which I converted from my dishwasher. I'd suggest any area less than 9 cubic feet have a standard ten-inch desk fan. Also, if the fan is too strong, your CO2 supplement will be ventilated out. You only need just enough air flow to renew the micro-environment on the leaves, anything more is unneccessary unless you're hardening your plants up for outside.


Well-Known Member
just added a hose to so the fan can suck air from outside the house :) good ole fresh air in the cabinet. i also added an exhaust fan all the way at the top of the cabinet
