Re-potting recommendations


So, my plants are doing better, they've been in recovery mode for a few days now. I want to replant them to 5 gallon pots. I don't have the money for a hydroponics system right now so I'll be staying with a potting mix.

Right now I use 1 part perilite to 2 parts peat moss. I was wondering if I should use something different for the 5 gallon pots? Should I make a perilite/peat moss/potting soil mix or something along those lines?


I would stay with a regular potting mix, easiest way to go about it unless you want to experiment by all means giver.
5g is a good size, what kind of setup do you have? Are you planning on vegging for a couple months?


Yea, I want to veg for a while. I've got room or can make room for taller plants so no biggie there.

My setup is in progress. I get stuff as I can get money for it. Right now I have a grow light and 3 CFL's, plus a 125watt CFL grow light coming in the mail. I have a fan running, and I use Jack's Classic 20-20-20. I also have a Ph tester and a Ph up/down kit coming. I figured I could veg for a few months whilst I buy the equipment and set up my flowering space.

I have another question (to anyone). I got these seeds from a bag of local outdoor that was really good. All these people do around here where I live is grow. I was wondering how soon I could switch to 12/12 to find out their sexes. I don't want to keep them on 12/12. I just want to run it long enough to determine sex then go back to vegging. Also, are the lights I have now enough to at least do that, or am I going to need something stronger even if it's just to find out their sexes?

Let me know :)


Well-Known Member
i used to go to 12/12 at like 3 weeks, to sex and then put them back in veg..the lights you have now are fine for that, youll obviously want more as they get bigger.