RE-Stabilizing BHO and ISO After pruging and dewaxing


New Member
I am having some issues Re-Stabilizing after high heat purges and dewaxing with ISO.
I will post my process at the bottom.
But here are my issues.
1. After first extraction of my bho it will stabilize into nice looking hard shatte in the vac but after heating that shatter in a glass vile it seams not be fully purged.because of all the bubbles that form with higher heat. I do this until there is no bubbles left and taste great but honey oil then becomes more liquide and will not stabilize back into shatter after a higher heat boil. temperatures in my vac doesnt seam to matter either. Can anyone explain to me what might be happening?

2. after my first run and vac purge I try and take it a step further to dewax it using the 99% ISO I can clear out all the wax but then again I can not get this to restabilize in the vacuum. Anyone have any idea why this is happening.

This seams to happen with all the strains I have run but here is my process step by step.

I pack my closed column and then freeze it for a few hours to help lock up all the extra plant matter.. I then pull a vacuum on it and then run my N-Butane (Puretane) and allow it to sit for about 30 mins give or take.
after the first release I give it a hot water bath and then transfer this to a digital heat pad on sillicone mat then I bubble it a little further at 160. I do this to help save the life of my vacuum pump since chemicals destory pumps pretty fast.and it helps move it along a little faster.
I bring this to a FULL vacuum 12 hours then flip for another 12 hours. sometimes using a heat gun to help it come along and pop those bubbles. Weather i take it to just shatter or allow it to wax up doesnt seam to make a difference in the end for me. but also feel there is still butane in it. this is why I then put it in a vile and try and purge it a little more and there always seams to be butane in it when i do this.

No if I just take my stable shatter and try and dewax it I add a glass of ISO 99% and desolve it then feeze it and filter the waxes and other plant matter. after purging the ISO i;m left with thick liquid dewaxed honey oil.
Now i try and throw it back in the vacuum to stabilize this back into shatter but It does not work.

Thank you for your help.