Re-Using Soil


Active Member
So I just had my first harvest. Very Successful. When I pulled out the rootballs there was alot of unused soil from transplanting them so late. Like the roots grew outwards but not much. So could I re use this soil considering it was in the pots with the plants but not really used? To be more clear when I pulled the rootballs out of the pots there was alot of soil left inside the pots.


New Member
depending on how long you vegged and flowered its not really good practice to i have before like adding 2 buckets per 1 new bag of soil but inreality Don't do it i noticed yields reduce if you didnt treat your soil with enzymed that actually clean it dont use it


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt,. not worth it. you save a quarter bag of soil woopty-doo. there is lots of things in there that could be transferred to your new plant. your not even sopposed to reuse pots without cleaning and sterilizing them


Well-Known Member
Yeah, all these damn farmers reusing fields and soil. What the fuck do they know, they should go get new dirt from the store and through away all that old dirt.

Fuck, they should stop growing food all together cause all you gots to do is go to the grocery store and they have it!


Well-Known Member
im with spandy, only if youre growing in the ground in holes. just add some ammendments to it.

But i realize you are growing in pots, youre not using that much soil.

are you trying to save money by reusing soil? think of how much each plant is worth when you try to save 12 bucks on a few bags of soil


Active Member
Yeah you guys are right. In that case Ill head over to home depot tomorrow. Whats the best soil I can get at home depot for cannabis? Ill pick up some dolmolite lime while im at it too.


Well-Known Member
There are plenty of recipes online. If you can, get some spagnum moss, perlite, an regular topsoil and make your own mix.
I used to reuse my soil all the time when i was growing in dirt. I think the only problem I had was when I accidently watered one plant with lacquer thinner, I had to ditch the whole mess.


Well-Known Member
i reuse all the time and have never had a bad result, like another user posted dont throw away fields!!

1: after harvest i let the soil completely dry out,......bone dry
2 : then i break it up and take out the thick and long roots
3: i then repot and water with a double dosage of veg nutrient (currently canna vega) ((4ml per 1 litre, and ill use 1.5 litres water)
4: i will repeat step 3 upto 3 times for 1 week letting soil completely dry each time
5: after the soil is completely dry after week 1 the soil is good to go...

ive used this method a long time, the soil seems to be perfect for either veg or flower. i never get any issues at all, and ive never noticed a drop in yeild. (and yes i have compared) :)

to answer other posts i read in this thread.....some people dont have the choice but to reuse soil....its too easy to say "oh a bag of soil is so cheap theres no point using old soil"...but some ppl live in a block of flats (i dont btw) and transporting dirt around like its trash isnt possible at all!

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
if you use CoCo you can drench with Canna cannasym at 18ml a gallon and all the left over roots will be decomposed and turned into beneficial microbes and bacteria all you can just cut a 6in deep and wide hole and plant right in you old stump of a plant no issues, also i use drip clean not clearex to desalt my medium

El Superbeasto

Active Member
Save a couple dollars on soil, and lose 1/3 or more of your yield. Is it worth it?

If you want to reuse medium, look into coco, it's cheaper than soil even.

Or go hydro, there is no medium to consider reusing, just wash out the bucket, and start over, done.

I used to use soil, then soil-less mix, then coco, and now I am transitioning into DWC.

So I just had my first harvest. Very Successful. When I pulled out the rootballs there was alot of unused soil from transplanting them so late. Like the roots grew outwards but not much. So could I re use this soil considering it was in the pots with the plants but not really used? To be more clear when I pulled the rootballs out of the pots there was alot of soil left inside the pots.


Well-Known Member
IMO, it's a big mistake to re-use soil. The PH is not going to be totally balanced to 7, it has been drained of nutrients and has a salt build up from your past nutrients. Get yourself some Fox Farm Ocean Forest or mix your own. You're only saving a couple of dollars and costing yourself a bigger yield. You can not compare soil that has been kept in a 3 gallon pot to soil that is outside on a farm. Apples to oranges.
New dirt EVERYTIME and I use new grow bags as well. Farmers dont throw out the field dirt but they do rotate crops and fields to maintain nutrient levels so as cool as "farmers dont throw out dirt" sounds in a thread its not even close to the same.