Re-veg or stay in flower (blackwidow)


Any advice if i should re-veg my plants? They have been in flower one week today. Im afraid i jumped the gun because of one plant being bigger. The last pic plant is a runt didnt take off till couple weeks ago. Im was like at 60 days into veg when i flipped. 5x5 tent 80in high. So worried about height.



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Any advice if i should re-veg my plants? They have been in flower one week today. Im afraid i jumped the gun because of one plant being bigger. The last pic plant is a runt didnt take off till couple weeks ago. Im was like at 60 days into veg when i flipped. 5x5 tent 80in high. So worried about height.
Supercrop if they get to tall.


Well-Known Member
Remove scrog net .... LST them to sides of buckets .
“ open them up “ . Tops will create a uniform canopy , tie down or supercrop any tall ones as grow continues.
Also you can clean up the bottoms of tiny buds ( that will not get enough light ) , tuck or remove any blocking fan leaves.


I have been lst training using the net for about 3 weeks. I started using the rubber coated green wire between the bigger net holes to make them smaller to help train as i went instead tying to the bucket. They are pretty flat and short. Ive removed the center fan leaves a few times and defoliated one time a couple weeks ago. Seems like it helped but might be wrong. This is my first grow ever. I also topped them when they were to small but figured that out because of the height of the growth.