RE-Vegging AFTER flowering cycle.....


Easy peeps...... I've got 5 seriously plants on the go right now which are getting ripped down in a few wks.... From a great mum and their tough old girls !!! Like everyone.... Once their finished I hack them down...... But these plants are sick !!! and the replacements got baked due to a fan coming down and the room got to 40 degrees..... Not cool, but either way....... I'll chuck some pics up in a few day but just wanted to know - if anyone knows - what would happen to them if I re-vegged my girls.....??????? Went dark for 24-48 hours then switched them back to 18s or 24s........ I few peeps said they go all mutated but I can get over that.... I just want to know if my weed would still be as good quality and would they still yield alright???? Granted depending on veg time !!! Shout some truth and tips at me someone please.......................................????????????????? B.


It's doable. I've done it before. And yes they typically start shooting single blade and mutated leaves. But keep her going under veg lighting and clip off the mutated growth as you see new growth coming in and she will be back to normal 5 or 7 blade leaves in no time.