Read this if you have a cab from Sunlight Sheds with a Hydroheart


If you have a cab from Sunlight Sheds with a Hydroheart please read this...very important!

My unit began to overflow about two weeks ago. At first I thought it was an issue with the control unit but after switching that out it continued to happen. Finally realized it was a design issue with the unit.

The combination of small hydrotron pellets falling through the baskets and root mass were causing flow problems with the unit. In my case this was causing the first few baskets in my unit to overflow. The Hydroheart consists of 8 plant containers placed in a loop driven by a control unit. Due to the flow issues the last few containers were not getting as much water as the first ones so the control unit continued to drain the reserve in an attempt to fill the unit...unfortunately the overflows have ruined a wood floor in my closet. Fortunately I've always kept the power strips on top of the unit or this could have gotten really ugly. I've unhooked the reserve tank and just pouring water into the unit until I get the screens from Sunlight Sheds (hopefully early this week).

Here's a link to a video they just posted addressing this issue:

If you have a Sunlight Sheds cab with a Hydroheart call them and ask for a set of screens they have recently developed that is supposed to fix the flow issue. Don't tell them what you're growing though. The BS thing is you have to call and ask for them (free of charge). You would think they would send them out automatically as this design flaw could cause electrical shock or a fire. I actually feel really lucky that only my floor got messed up. I guess I'll always remember my first grow when I look at the warped wood

Even though I've had these challenges I'm still happy with the unit so far. Just switched to flowering today with 6 Jack Herers, having fun with my first grow bongsmilie