Read to your plants


Read to your plants, I never have had the money to get a fancy co2 rig. I know co2 is a huge essential part of the grow cycle.
Now that I'm older and have the money, I dont think I will be buying one soon ether. and here is why.
Please dont tread back about how great you system is and how I should get it.:finger:

This is just a great little knowledge tip for newbs and vets alike.
I started reading my text books out loud in my grow room at collage, I swear by this. this is a free and great natural way to feed co2 to your "BUDs"

we breath in 78% nitrogen, 20.95% oxygen, 0.93% argon, 0.038% carbon dioxide

Since We inhale air with about 21% oxygen and exhale about 16% oxygen we use 5% of the air. Since the amount of oxygen required equals the amount of carbon dioxide produced (normally), about 5% more of the air we exhale is carbon dioxide than we inhale. Since carbon dioxide inhaled is near as damn it 0%, the exhaled air is about 5%. This is slightly different in everybody, but only by a very small margin. :blsmoke:

Try singing to them, talking to them, tell them how perrty they are (after all they are your girls):lol:

bottom line that's a big load of co2 dropped in your room in 10 to 15 min

So might as well save your money and use your own free built in co2 maker. bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
I like it! my only problem is that my plants are all sheltered away in their little 'environment' I barely even open it up... but I like where you are going with this :peace: