Read when stoned and, if you don't laugh, check your pulse.


New Member
I do a bit of writing.. Here's some of it.
(oh, and for the record, I need a publisher).​

3a, Mill End Terrace,
North Yorkshire,
Tel, 01234 567890
Thursday, 29 August 2013​
Dear Edna,

Forgive me for not writing sooner but I've been that right bloody flummoxed by recent events I've hardly had time to draw breath. Any road, I've decided to put pen on paper and write to immediate family and friends to explain about Bert's and Mother's recent misfortune, hopefully before the Press get their mucky hands on t' story.

I hardly know how to start.. It all happened a couple of weeks ago on a Sunday. Without my knowing, the previous night Bert had come home from t' club with an old army pal who were pissed and had a stutter called Reggie and a bloody great pile of nicked veg to off-load on the Sunday market. Any road, the first I knew about any of this were right early the following morning when I got up and found this Reggie bloke lying on our privy floor surrounded by seven kinds of fresh vegetables snoring.
"Well”, I says, "I'll go to the foot of our stairs”! ..I shook his arm, but that weren't no good, all he did were fart, roll over onto his side, clasp a big cabbage to his chest and go straight back to sleep. Well, I stormed into our bedroom, 'woke Bert and demanded to know what in the wide world of sports were a-going on... I won't repeat what Bert actually said, (you know what he's like when he's been drinking t’ night previous). In mainly four letter words he told me the bloke in t' privy were his old army pal Reggie who were a vegetable market stall owner, and would I sod off and leave him be while ten thirty?
"But I'm absolutely bustin' for a pee”! I told him.
"Well, go an' see Reggie”, says Bert, "he's gorrabout 'alf-a-ton of 'em, for Christ's sake stop mytherin' and bugger off”.

I won't go into detail about relieving myself that morning.. surface it to say, I had to move all t' previous night's supper dishes first. What were worse though, just as I were balancing right precursorous like on a kitchen stool with we bum over-'anging t' sink, Milky walks past t’ kitchen window! "Morni.. by 'eck”! he says and dropped a full crate of gold tops on his foot; he hopped around fine for a bit, but eventually he tripped over the crate and cracked his head on next-door's scullery wall, poor love.. He's been on the sick ever since, apparently.

Any road, this Reggie bloke stayed fast asleep on our privy floor 'til Mother got up and laid into him with t' lavvy brush. It were Reggie's shouting and 'ollering what eventually 'woke Bert who got out of bed and introduced us to his mate.. Mother were right fascinated by Reggie's fresh veg selection, (you know how she loves her food), and Reggie seemed a right pleasant sort of bloke even if he were a Southerner, (from Manchester), and we all took to him except for our Rover who did nowt but growl at him.. Me brother Ted says dogs have got sick-scents about coming events, and by heck that dog were dead right to worry if it knew owt about its immediate future. Anyhow, as it happened, Reggie couldn't stay for lunch as he were supposed to be at Mablethwaite market about five hours previous and he were dead worried about his collies going all soggy-like: So, after leaving us with three bloody great cartons of veg, he drove off in his van.

Later, while I were attempting to cook the Sunday roast, Mother kept getting in t' way and made a right bloody nuisance of herself what with boiling up piles and piles of brussels-sprouts, cauliflower, runner beans, cabbage, greens, broccoli, peas and spinach. As you know, neither Bert nor me are that partial to veg so we only had a few peas and some greens with our dinner, but Mother, she ate a mucking great pile of veg with hers and washed the whole lot down with no less than four and a half pints of milk stout! Bert and me agreed we'd never, ever seen her eat and drink so much before. Any road, it were such an enormous blowout, we decided to leave t’ washing up 'til later and all went for forty winks on me comfy chairs in t' back room.

I suppose it were about two-thirty when it started.. This huge sort of rumble woke us up and vibrated me collection of china thimbles.
"Ay-up”! says Bert, "storm on t’ way”. Mother looked dead worried and began fidgeting about, (you know how she hates electric storms ever since her brother Ralph were struck by lightning while changing a forty watt light bulb in his pigeon loft). Any road, the thunder kept on shaking the house and mother kept mumbling and fretting and fidgeting about.. Then, all of a sudden-like, a huge rumble made us all jump, and in an instant Mother were up and out of her chair frenziedly gnashing her gums and then, to our amazement, without the aid of her stick she suddenly rushed out t' room, belted straight upstairs like a whippet and slammed t’ privy door with an almighty bang.
"Well bugger me”! says Bert, "I'll go to our ‘ouse”! We could hear Mother in the privy immediately above our heads ..thumping around and shaking t' ceiling she were. Rover began to whimper right pitiful like and darted under Bert's chair.
"Bloody Norah”! I says, "I'd better go up an' see if there's owt wrong with her."
"Aye, you'd better 'ad”, says Bert, "..By 'eck ...I tell y' what, I've not seen her move that quick since '54 when she sat on me ferret".

Well, I got about half way up t' stairs when it started again. It began by sounding like another great big rumble of thunder but this time it went on getting louder and louder; I could feel t' stairs shaking and the banister vibrating.. I were convinced by now that we were ‘avin’ an earthquake - and then, sure enough, just as sudden as it'd started, it just stopped. In the silence what followed, I climbed the last few stairs up to the landing and began walking toward t' privy. Well, I tell you, I'd just opened me mouth to ask Mother if she were alright when suddenly a bloody great explosion smashed the privy door clean off its hinges and blew me straight arse backwards up t' landing into t' front bedroom! I lay semi-conscious on the bedroom floor for a while: I were all covered in bits of brick and plaster, flannels, towels and me new pink Polly-Easter lavvy curtains. Suddenly I realised I couldn't see owt proper and scrambled to me feet in a right panic, but I discovered it were loads of dust all swirling about and not me eyes buggered after all. Then, tripping over big chunks of masonry, I stumbled toward t’ privy expecting to find our Mother dead from t’ blast ...but, to my amazement, there weren't no-one in there at all ... just a great big hole in t’ floor where me lavvy used to be!.. It were then that I looked down through the hole and screamed.. It were like an ‘orror film ..Mother were directly below me in t' back room and she were floating around about six foot from the floor waving her arms and legs about and staring back up at me through the hole! Her eyes were fair bursting out of her head and she kept opening and closing her mouth like a giant goldfish! In total panic now, I 'alf fell down t' stairs and rushed into t' back room...

What I found there, still makes me weak to think on. At this point, I suppose I should explain that what me and Bert had mistook for thunder or maybe an earthquake had, in fact, been our Mother. It were all that bloody fresh veg and milk stout what she'd got down her. Them terrible rumbling noises hadn't been, it were a massive attack of wind gathering forces inside her, and when she'd rushed from t’ room it hadn't been because she were frightened of a storm like Bert and me had thought, because there weren't no storm or earthquake, it were Mother, and she'd frantically dashed upstairs to t’ privy to relieve herself.

Any road, as we discovered much later on, she'd only got as far as lowering her bum toward the lavvy bowl when the pressure of wind became too great to hold and she let go with a massive fart what blew the complete lavvy and me low flush cistern straight through t’ floor, totally wrecking the privy and blasting me up the landing into t' front bedroom.. Poor Bert though, he'd been sitting directly below in his comfy chair and our Rover were cowering and whining underneath it; and when Mother's second upstairs rumble had begun to shake the ceiling, Bert had looked up... As bad luck would have it, it were exactly then that Mother blasted the lavvy straight through the ceiling fetching him a right terrible blow, and apparently he grabbed his head and staggered to his feet. But then, as if this weren't bad enough, still frozen in a crouched position with her skirt clutched up underneath her chins, Mother lost her balance and fell backward through the hole in t’ floor and descended bum first with her knickers fluttering ‘round her ankles.

Well, it were right awful what happened next: Just as Bert had staggered to his feet, Mother made a direct hit on him resulting in him getting his head wedged up her bum, but then, as that happened, Mother's weight smashed Bert back down into his comfy chair where their combined weight burst him completely through the seat causing our Rover's head to get wedged up Bert's bum, and then, with a superhuman effort, Bert had managed to heave himself up and out of the flattened chair.

While this were a-going on, I were upstairs and fortunately I'd missed seeing any of this. When I’d looked down through the hole in the privy floor all I could see were Mother mysteriously floating, apparently unaided around the room. At that point I didn't know our Bert had managed to get to his feet and were careering blindly around t’ room with his head stuck up Mother and Rover's head stuck up him! ...Mother had appeared to be floating about, because Bert and Rover were completely hidden by her bulk causing me to experience what me brother Ted says were a Nautical Delusion.

Anyhow, when I’d scrambled down the stairs I rushed into t' back room where I beheld a dreadful sight ..Mother, Bert and Rover, (in descending order), were lumbering around, knocking down shelves, furniture and fittings and looking like one of them Red Indian scrotum-poles what you see on telly.

Just as I'd gathered enough wits to do owt positive like phoning t' infirmary, to my horror, Mother began to rumble again and at the same time Bert began waving his arms about like a windmill in a gale. Then, Mother's face went a right ghastly mauve colour and Rover looked like he were trying to swim. And then, without no warning, Mother let off another massive fart what exploded Bert's head out of her bum and launched her straight back up through the hole in the ceiling, just like one of them incontinent missiles taking off out of a li-lo. As Mother disappeared from view, poor Bert collapsed face first onto the back room carpet, but then, to my everlasting ‘orror, Mother instantly reappeared as she dropped back through the ceiling and landed with a terrible thud on Bert's back; actually though, as it turned out, this were a blessing in disguise, because this burst poor Rover's head out of Bert's bum and in a blur the dog hurtled tail first, yelping across the room, crashed straight through the sash window and shot into t' back garden taking me best nets with him.

Eventually, when I'd collected me wits, I telephoned for an ambulance what arrived right quick but some precious time were wasted as the ambulance men got in a right two-and-eight and fell over each other several times as Mother let off a few more deafening farts. At the infirmary, Bert were treated for shock and severe bruising, and mother were treated for what the doctor said were, Chronic Flatlets, Miner Confusions and penile-debenture or some such thing but fortunately neither of them were kept in..

Poor Rover's left home, though..​

Well, Bert and Mother are both convalescing now and me brother Ted is rebuilding t' privy, mending the ceiling and redecorating t' back room. Several crafty looking buggers from t’ local press have been snooping around.. I’ve said nowt, but you can bet your life that nosey cow at number seventeen will be spreading t' news far and wide before long.

I trust this finds you in good health.

Love from,

Agnes, Bert and Mother,

p.s. and poor Rover, if he ever comes back.

P.P.S. Me Brother Ted says he read in t’ Daily Mirror, there were an unexplained tremor recorded at exactly the time Mother blasted the lavvy through t' privy floor what measured 6.5 on t' rectum scale.

Copyright © Bearface Lies, 2000


Well-Known Member
I do a bit of writing.. Here's some of it.
(oh, and for the record, I need a publisher).​

3a, Mill End Terrace,
North Yorkshire,
Tel, 01234 567890
Thursday, 29 August 2013​
Dear Edna,

Forgive me for not writing sooner but I've been that right bloody flummoxed by recent events I've hardly had time to draw breath. Any road, I've decided to put pen on paper and write to immediate family and friends to explain about Bert's and Mother's recent misfortune, hopefully before the Press get their mucky hands on t' story.

I hardly know how to start.. It all happened a couple of weeks ago on a Sunday. Without my knowing, the previous night Bert had come home from t' club with an old army pal who were pissed and had a stutter called Reggie and a bloody great pile of nicked veg to off-load on the Sunday market. Any road, the first I knew about any of this were right early the following morning when I got up and found this Reggie bloke lying on our privy floor surrounded by seven kinds of fresh vegetables snoring.
"Well”, I says, "I'll go to the foot of our stairs”! ..I shook his arm, but that weren't no good, all he did were fart, roll over onto his side, clasp a big cabbage to his chest and go straight back to sleep. Well, I stormed into our bedroom, 'woke Bert and demanded to know what in the wide world of sports were a-going on... I won't repeat what Bert actually said, (you know what he's like when he's been drinking t’ night previous). In mainly four letter words he told me the bloke in t' privy were his old army pal Reggie who were a vegetable market stall owner, and would I sod off and leave him be while ten thirty?
"But I'm absolutely bustin' for a pee”! I told him.
"Well, go an' see Reggie”, says Bert, "he's gorrabout 'alf-a-ton of 'em, for Christ's sake stop mytherin' and bugger off”.

I won't go into detail about relieving myself that morning.. surface it to say, I had to move all t' previous night's supper dishes first. What were worse though, just as I were balancing right precursorous like on a kitchen stool with we bum over-'anging t' sink, Milky walks past t’ kitchen window! "Morni.. by 'eck”! he says and dropped a full crate of gold tops on his foot; he hopped around fine for a bit, but eventually he tripped over the crate and cracked his head on next-door's scullery wall, poor love.. He's been on the sick ever since, apparently.

Any road, this Reggie bloke stayed fast asleep on our privy floor 'til Mother got up and laid into him with t' lavvy brush. It were Reggie's shouting and 'ollering what eventually 'woke Bert who got out of bed and introduced us to his mate.. Mother were right fascinated by Reggie's fresh veg selection, (you know how she loves her food), and Reggie seemed a right pleasant sort of bloke even if he were a Southerner, (from Manchester), and we all took to him except for our Rover who did nowt but growl at him.. Me brother Ted says dogs have got sick-scents about coming events, and by heck that dog were dead right to worry if it knew owt about its immediate future. Anyhow, as it happened, Reggie couldn't stay for lunch as he were supposed to be at Mablethwaite market about five hours previous and he were dead worried about his collies going all soggy-like: So, after leaving us with three bloody great cartons of veg, he drove off in his van.

Later, while I were attempting to cook the Sunday roast, Mother kept getting in t' way and made a right bloody nuisance of herself what with boiling up piles and piles of brussels-sprouts, cauliflower, runner beans, cabbage, greens, broccoli, peas and spinach. As you know, neither Bert nor me are that partial to veg so we only had a few peas and some greens with our dinner, but Mother, she ate a mucking great pile of veg with hers and washed the whole lot down with no less than four and a half pints of milk stout! Bert and me agreed we'd never, ever seen her eat and drink so much before. Any road, it were such an enormous blowout, we decided to leave t’ washing up 'til later and all went for forty winks on me comfy chairs in t' back room.

I suppose it were about two-thirty when it started.. This huge sort of rumble woke us up and vibrated me collection of china thimbles.
"Ay-up”! says Bert, "storm on t’ way”. Mother looked dead worried and began fidgeting about, (you know how she hates electric storms ever since her brother Ralph were struck by lightning while changing a forty watt light bulb in his pigeon loft). Any road, the thunder kept on shaking the house and mother kept mumbling and fretting and fidgeting about.. Then, all of a sudden-like, a huge rumble made us all jump, and in an instant Mother were up and out of her chair frenziedly gnashing her gums and then, to our amazement, without the aid of her stick she suddenly rushed out t' room, belted straight upstairs like a whippet and slammed t’ privy door with an almighty bang.
"Well bugger me”! says Bert, "I'll go to our ‘ouse”! We could hear Mother in the privy immediately above our heads ..thumping around and shaking t' ceiling she were. Rover began to whimper right pitiful like and darted under Bert's chair.
"Bloody Norah”! I says, "I'd better go up an' see if there's owt wrong with her."
"Aye, you'd better 'ad”, says Bert, "..By 'eck ...I tell y' what, I've not seen her move that quick since '54 when she sat on me ferret".

Well, I got about half way up t' stairs when it started again. It began by sounding like another great big rumble of thunder but this time it went on getting louder and louder; I could feel t' stairs shaking and the banister vibrating.. I were convinced by now that we were ‘avin’ an earthquake - and then, sure enough, just as sudden as it'd started, it just stopped. In the silence what followed, I climbed the last few stairs up to the landing and began walking toward t' privy. Well, I tell you, I'd just opened me mouth to ask Mother if she were alright when suddenly a bloody great explosion smashed the privy door clean off its hinges and blew me straight arse backwards up t' landing into t' front bedroom! I lay semi-conscious on the bedroom floor for a while: I were all covered in bits of brick and plaster, flannels, towels and me new pink Polly-Easter lavvy curtains. Suddenly I realised I couldn't see owt proper and scrambled to me feet in a right panic, but I discovered it were loads of dust all swirling about and not me eyes buggered after all. Then, tripping over big chunks of masonry, I stumbled toward t’ privy expecting to find our Mother dead from t’ blast ...but, to my amazement, there weren't no-one in there at all ... just a great big hole in t’ floor where me lavvy used to be!.. It were then that I looked down through the hole and screamed.. It were like an ‘orror film ..Mother were directly below me in t' back room and she were floating around about six foot from the floor waving her arms and legs about and staring back up at me through the hole! Her eyes were fair bursting out of her head and she kept opening and closing her mouth like a giant goldfish! In total panic now, I 'alf fell down t' stairs and rushed into t' back room...

What I found there, still makes me weak to think on. At this point, I suppose I should explain that what me and Bert had mistook for thunder or maybe an earthquake had, in fact, been our Mother. It were all that bloody fresh veg and milk stout what she'd got down her. Them terrible rumbling noises hadn't been, it were a massive attack of wind gathering forces inside her, and when she'd rushed from t’ room it hadn't been because she were frightened of a storm like Bert and me had thought, because there weren't no storm or earthquake, it were Mother, and she'd frantically dashed upstairs to t’ privy to relieve herself.

Any road, as we discovered much later on, she'd only got as far as lowering her bum toward the lavvy bowl when the pressure of wind became too great to hold and she let go with a massive fart what blew the complete lavvy and me low flush cistern straight through t’ floor, totally wrecking the privy and blasting me up the landing into t' front bedroom.. Poor Bert though, he'd been sitting directly below in his comfy chair and our Rover were cowering and whining underneath it; and when Mother's second upstairs rumble had begun to shake the ceiling, Bert had looked up... As bad luck would have it, it were exactly then that Mother blasted the lavvy straight through the ceiling fetching him a right terrible blow, and apparently he grabbed his head and staggered to his feet. But then, as if this weren't bad enough, still frozen in a crouched position with her skirt clutched up underneath her chins, Mother lost her balance and fell backward through the hole in t’ floor and descended bum first with her knickers fluttering ‘round her ankles.

Well, it were right awful what happened next: Just as Bert had staggered to his feet, Mother made a direct hit on him resulting in him getting his head wedged up her bum, but then, as that happened, Mother's weight smashed Bert back down into his comfy chair where their combined weight burst him completely through the seat causing our Rover's head to get wedged up Bert's bum, and then, with a superhuman effort, Bert had managed to heave himself up and out of the flattened chair.

While this were a-going on, I were upstairs and fortunately I'd missed seeing any of this. When I’d looked down through the hole in the privy floor all I could see were Mother mysteriously floating, apparently unaided around the room. At that point I didn't know our Bert had managed to get to his feet and were careering blindly around t’ room with his head stuck up Mother and Rover's head stuck up him! ...Mother had appeared to be floating about, because Bert and Rover were completely hidden by her bulk causing me to experience what me brother Ted says were a Nautical Delusion.

Anyhow, when I’d scrambled down the stairs I rushed into t' back room where I beheld a dreadful sight ..Mother, Bert and Rover, (in descending order), were lumbering around, knocking down shelves, furniture and fittings and looking like one of them Red Indian scrotum-poles what you see on telly.

Just as I'd gathered enough wits to do owt positive like phoning t' infirmary, to my horror, Mother began to rumble again and at the same time Bert began waving his arms about like a windmill in a gale. Then, Mother's face went a right ghastly mauve colour and Rover looked like he were trying to swim. And then, without no warning, Mother let off another massive fart what exploded Bert's head out of her bum and launched her straight back up through the hole in the ceiling, just like one of them incontinent missiles taking off out of a li-lo. As Mother disappeared from view, poor Bert collapsed face first onto the back room carpet, but then, to my everlasting ‘orror, Mother instantly reappeared as she dropped back through the ceiling and landed with a terrible thud on Bert's back; actually though, as it turned out, this were a blessing in disguise, because this burst poor Rover's head out of Bert's bum and in a blur the dog hurtled tail first, yelping across the room, crashed straight through the sash window and shot into t' back garden taking me best nets with him.

Eventually, when I'd collected me wits, I telephoned for an ambulance what arrived right quick but some precious time were wasted as the ambulance men got in a right two-and-eight and fell over each other several times as Mother let off a few more deafening farts. At the infirmary, Bert were treated for shock and severe bruising, and mother were treated for what the doctor said were, Chronic Flatlets, Miner Confusions and penile-debenture or some such thing but fortunately neither of them were kept in..

Poor Rover's left home, though..​

Well, Bert and Mother are both convalescing now and me brother Ted is rebuilding t' privy, mending the ceiling and redecorating t' back room. Several crafty looking buggers from t’ local press have been snooping around.. I’ve said nowt, but you can bet your life that nosey cow at number seventeen will be spreading t' news far and wide before long.

I trust this finds you in good health.

Love from,

Agnes, Bert and Mother,

p.s. and poor Rover, if he ever comes back.

P.P.S. Me Brother Ted says he read in t’ Daily Mirror, there were an unexplained tremor recorded at exactly the time Mother blasted the lavvy through t' privy floor what measured 6.5 on t' rectum scale.

Copyright © Bearface Lies, 2000
um, has someone ever mentioned that there is a difference between american and english humor?


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Welcome to RIU. We are a bunch of stoners and some of us don't do well with wall's of text, sorry. The other problem is many of us grow. So we usually have some fairly potent shit (not me I'm a terrible grower). So by the time we finish the first paragraph..... well... never mind.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
I don't get the jokes. I didn't read the whole thing, but I don't understand it. Why do you keep saying "any road"?


Well-Known Member
I just don't find any bit of it funny, am I missing something????? And I'm in the UK but it just seems like a load of rambling to me... Sorry to be blunt but no point misleading you. You are not cut out to be a writer.


Well-Known Member
(My kid's favorite knock knock jokes)

knock knock
who is there?
I eat mop
I eat mop who?

knock knock
who is there?
interrupting cow


Well-Known Member
I have no problem reading when I'm stoned... however... I couldn't tell you what the first paragraph was about. Combo of dialect and plain confusion. Lol British humor isn't my thing but this just went way over my head...


Well-Known Member
C2g I have to spread some more rep before giving it to you again!

I got a paragraph in, and then I checked to see how long it was and well I grow some of the shittiest weed around too so I couldn't make it through the post either. Maybe tonite when I get some good stuff to smoke lol.

@ bygonera British humor isn't my thing either, but I did laugh my ass off at Monty python and the search for the holy grail.