reading the plant


Active Member
i was wondering would it be OK to consider this as true...

sign,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.............. leaf,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.............. thoughts

saggy leafs.................... \...................... = bad...........something wrong??

straight leaf................... ---................... = good.......... leafs should be here??

leafs raised high........... / ....................... = bad....... i think this might be a sign of stretching??


Well-Known Member
saggy = correct

a better word for straight is relaxed but your right leaves should be there

raised high = stress (not stretching)


Well-Known Member
sort of...any particular leaf should routinely go through all those stages in a given day to one degree or another honestly.
in general they should be relaxed...not droopy, not raised...

constantly droopy is indeed bad...sick...overwatered/overfed etc.
it is important to know the strain though, as some are droopy naturally and are suppose to look like that.

raised is just a sign of stress...akin to a person sweating and breathing heavily.
Might not be a bad thing in of itself, but if it is continual, then it can be an indicator of something dangerously wrong.
(humidity/temp/air circulation/soil conditions/light levels)

if only half the plant has raised leaves (typically top), and half relaxed (typically bottom) then it's a sign your grow needs to be dialed in better.
again, not necessarily bad or anything like's just most people never realize how comical plants looking like this are.
They honestly think they are doing really well. They are not doing poorly to be sure....but they could do better

only personal opinion of a newb grower keep in mind...i still have lots of learning to do


Well-Known Member
sort of...any particular leaf should routinely go through all those stages in a given day to one degree or another honestly.
in general they should be relaxed...not droopy, not raised...

constantly droopy is indeed bad...sick...overwatered/overfed etc.
it is important to know the strain though, as some are droopy naturally and are suppose to look like that.

constantly raised is just a sign of stress...akin to a person sweating and breathing heavily.
Might not be a bad thing in of itself, but if it is continual, then it can be an indicator of something dangerously wrong.

if only half the plant has raised leaves (typically top), and half relaxed (typically bottom) then it's a sign your grow needs to be dialed in better.
again, not necessarily bad or anything like's just most people never realize how comical plants looking like this are.
They honestly think they are doing really well. They are not doing poorly to be sure....but they could do better
hmmm,one of the strains im running now(grapegod)has the raised leaves in veg and flower,
the rest of the plants leaves are relaxed,i was told it was the way it grows.
this is my 3rd grow with it,and still the same thing.

what would cause it to do that?


Well-Known Member
perhaps it is....only a seasoned grower would know for sure.
personally, i don't believe for a second that a plant with half/half relaxed/heavily transpiring leaves is normal or natural by any stretch of the imagination.
i've been surprised to see moving the light AWAY usually seems to correct it..or just a small fiddling and careful control of temp and humidity....i don't understand why though
however, i am new...and very prone to being totally wrong.

i must also note i use might be totally different for a different light system for all i know


Well-Known Member
well Mr Chubby for a new grower you are giving some mighty fine info, see you have done your research, good for you!!!!!

this is the kid in the candy shop problem, there are so many strains now that every one wants them all and grows more than one strain at a time. While this is a huge mistake even I am guilty of it, but my situation is because I am breeding different strains. currently I have one plant/strain that is stressing in my garden (raised leaves) in my case it is a temp humidity situation and because all the others are happy I have no choice but to allow it.

has to do with the genetic coding of where the plant/seed originated, when a plant makes a seed it is encoded with a bit of info regarding its enviroment, part of how the seed responds & reacts. to bad breeders don't give us more enviroment info :) Now if you clone it that info remains the same and the plant will (over time) adapt to your garden, however if you breed for seeds then grow those seeds in the same garden you would see a big difference.

Only definitive fix is to only grow one strain at a time, dial your garden in for it, record it for future grows and there ya go. only close metaphor I can think of would be like an airport terminal, at any given time there are several races of humans present, all of them out of thier element and comfort zones and all of them responding & reacting differently to it :)