Ready to harvest?


Well-Known Member
You still got lots of white hairs,calyxes are swelled up though,prob a week or two.How long have you had them in flower????Oh yeah what strain??


like 12 weeks. It is taking forever.. I dont know why. And my other plant just shot up this 2 inch growth on the main cola which i thought was wierd.


Well-Known Member
Some Sativas take up to 14 weeks,but they look almost done.How often do you water with nutes??


Well-Known Member
Give it another week at least,you should start noticing the "hairs" turning orange ish,I try to stay away from strains that take that long myself.You can also keep an eye on the trichomes if you have a hand held magnifying glass.I like to cut when they are 50% cloudy 50% amber


Well-Known Member
Here are some pics of my first grow I was wondering if they are almost done? Also what are the spots on the leaves.
The spots on the leaves look like a calcium or magnesium deficiency. A splash of Cal-Mag+ will straighten it out. Make sure you have proper PH at all times. My last sativa grow went 110 days :weed: and this is what I got....9+ ounces :hump:



can anyone tell me why my other plant shot up that extension to the mail cola so late in flower? I did lower the lights down some and then that happened but I wouldnt think that would cause that growth.


Active Member
If you're dying for some smoke, just clip off a few of the orange haired buds. Quick dry near a fan, should be smokable in 2 days.
This way you can test the high too. Plants harvested a little earlier have way more energetic highs, harvested later you get more of a couch lock high. So it's really whatever you prefer. Looking at the amount of orange hairs is good way to determine whether it's ready, that was some good advice too.

