Ready to harvest?


Active Member
Ill get some pics up tomorrow but when the trichomes turn amber is it all over or just the leaf? like on the bud sites its all clear but down on the leaf its full of amber tips? i been growing for 14 weeks now veg 6 and on my 8 for flower. there about 50% white hairs and 50% orange? could use some help. what happens if there over rippened?


Well-Known Member
they are clear or do you actually mean cloudy? they turn cloudy before they turn amber. once they are all cloudy u could chop if you wanted, or all amber, or a mix. It all depends on your personal tastes,cloudy=heady buzz,amber=couchlock buzz, and inbetween is obviously an inbetween buzz. lol. go by the majority of trichs btw. if parts of your plant finish alot faster than others you can do whats known as a staggered harvest, cutting the finished colas and leaving the not done colas to finish up.


Well-Known Member
head on down to radio shack or something of the like and get yourself a 60-100 power hand held microscope. They run about 10-15 bucks.

takes the guess work out of it.