Reagan Land goes Dem


Well-Known Member
Gil Cisneros defeated Republican Young Kim on Saturday in the last of Orange County's undecided House races, giving Democrats a clean sweep of the state's six most fiercely fought congressional contests and marking an dramatic shift in a region long synonymous with political conservatism.

With Cisneros' victory, Democrats will constitute the entirety of Orange County's seven-member congressional delegation, the first time since the 1930s that the birthplace of Richard M. Nixon, home of John Wayne and spiritual center of the Republican Party will have no GOP representative in the House.

"Sitting back in the 1960s, I would never have believed this would happen," said Stuart K. Spencer, a party strategist who spent more than half a century ushering Republicans, including President Ronald Reagan, into office. (Thanks Trump)

The result also caps a highly successful Democratic midterm election. The loss of the GOP's last four Orange County seats and two more farther north raises to 38 the number Democrats have gained nationwide, more than enough to seize control of the House when lawmakers are sworn into office in January.(Thanks again)

It's the fucking Republican wipeout in Orange County, a wellspring of conservatism that nourished generations of state and national party leaders, that stands as a shock. Many never thought they would see a day when its expansive suburban tracts were anything but flaming Republican red.

And then came Trump :)

You see, I'm a firm believer in Yin/Yang, that from any bad situation, good things have to balance it.

What I see here with all the damage being caused by Trump on his world stage, his miserable actions have created a revolt in this country, bringing forth on the good side basic core values that this country was founded on, such as dignity, truth, honesty, the value of all people, whether or not their illegal aliens ,LGBTQ, Muslim or Jew or Christian or Atheist , or a different color.(still working on some, but you get the point )

Down side is the fucking white Nazi nationalistic assholes are scurrying out from under their rocks, which is fine with me, it makes them easier to smack.

So, who's going to win in the End?

I see your point but can't say it had an upside. Not with the shattered families left in the wake of Republican immigration policies or the ballooned debt that paid for wealthy peoples tax cuts or the courts stacked with right wing judges or the hollowing out of government agencies or the inevitable effects of global warming due to Republican implementation of retrograde environmental policies. Yes, we will recover and hopefully not make the same mistake again but this feels more like picking up the pieces after a train wreck.

The blue wave that washed some of the shit stains out of government did us good. Another wave or two will eventually get us back to where we were in 2009. That's a good thing, I guess. Its as if the country had to touch the hot stove to learn the lesson some people were trying to teach us before we got burned.
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