REAL soil


Well-Known Member
Why are we as a whole not adding more "real dirt" to our soil mixes? One of the beginning chapters of Teaming with Microbes talks about how clay particles add surface area to the soil which improves it's CEC. I'm doing my own experiment to see for myself. I've used my same recipe in two 15 gallon pots, except one has a portion or real soil that I dug up from underneath some pretty healthy trees out in a fertile yard. Not sure exactly how much but it's probably around 3 gallons of real dirt mixed in with my super soil (which is a base of coco, compost, casting, and perlite ) far the real dirt plant has superior growth in my opinion. Im about two months since seeds sprouted and have awhile to go before I flip to flower. The real dirt plant has had more of a darker lush green and super tight nodes. It's training well and getting super bushy... The soilless plant is on the right... growing well but was slighty stretchier and a slightly different shade of green IMG_20190625_201600.jpg IMG_20190625_201605.jpg IMG_20190619_191026.jpg IMG_20190614_160727.jpg IMG_20190610_181553.jpg IMG_20190601_140253.jpg
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