Reassurance on Clones...

Will they make it?

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Howdy RIU,

I've done some reading re: clones and how they should/can look in the early stages, but am still not confident in what I've got going. (Picked up 4 clones over the holiday weekend)

So, for those of you with experience getting clones to root well and come back to green...let me know what you think:

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Thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
if you have roots's on they will be fine. just don't blast em with too much light. the 3rd and 4th are prolly done they dont have enough foilage to recover


Thanks WiseGuy, I've been a bit concerned about those two but those poor little leaves next to the old nodes keep rockin'.
Funny thing is that the one that didn't have roots reaching out of the bottom is the one that has the most green, while number 4 (sickliest looking of the bunch) actually had the most as they were tracking back and forth against the plastic all showing in the dirt when I popped it out of the container! (strange but true...I guess there is some seriously counterintuitive shit with cloning...but I'm here to learn!)


Well-Known Member
Better put some some water on that damn shit! Dirt looks dry! LOL they will make it, I had a white widow damn near die 3 times, and now its the biggest bitch of the bunch! Just keep them in a stable, continuous environment...hard to do outside..and they will recover quickly. I run both in and out, so i use my room to recoup the sickly back to health at times.


Thanks for taking a look at these girls, I keep thinking that they look dry too but the moisture meeter says they have more than the other kids in the room!

I think it is because I'm using that MG "Moisture Control" really holds on to the water forever! (Except for the first .5" or so...if I turned the top over it would be moist.)
I know folks tend to hate on MG soil, but it is cheap at Costco!:oops:
Perhaps next time, I will be able to afford better.

If you take a look at the begining of my grow, you will note the plants that I've named Wiggly 1 and Wiggly 2...they were some sad arsed seedlings that I even had to prop up a few times prior to they are kicking some serious ass! (Those are also the only plants in the room that are soil from the garden instead of MG)

If I hadn't killed a dozen seedlings already, I would swear that this stuff can grow in bellybutton lint and spit!:blsmoke: