Recently Sprouted Seeds Problem

(First time planter)
Hey, so basically I planted 2 seeds last week, and by friday you could just see them appearing over the soil. I was going away for the weekend and left them in the hands of a friend, who forgot to take the plastic wrap off the pots that I had stuck on (to keep them moist whilst starting off).
I came back today to find them lay down inside the pot pushing against the cover. After taking it off, I saw that one of them isnt really that bad, but the other has grown a really long stem which is thin at the base.
The "better off" plant is from the 'Critical' strain and the other is from SweetSeeds, a 'Big Devil #2'.
Can anyone give me any advice on how to help them get better? Or what you think I should do?
Cheers (;

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
one pic looks almost like damping off disease if the stem hasn't gotten brown and sick looking i'd say add more soil bury that thing up to the seed leaves


Well-Known Member
Big mistake ,covering up a sprout with domes ,wrap etc. They need extra water/rh during germination not after.Your seedlings have started rotting at the base from being too wet. Dont water till pots are dry ,no misting ,bring light closer run a small osc fan and hope for the best.
one pic looks almost like damping off disease if the stem hasn't gotten brown and sick looking i'd say add more soil bury that thing up to the seed leaves
I'm guessing you mean the plant that has the close-up photo?? So I should put more soil and bury more of the stem?? Thanks.

Big mistake ,covering up a sprout with domes ,wrap etc. They need extra water/rh during germination not after.Your seedlings have started rotting at the base from being too wet. Dont water till pots are dry ,no misting ,bring light closer run a small osc fan and hope for the best.
I know, it was only supposed to be there during germination but my friend didnt take it off... The plants are outdoor, and here its 8:00pm, any other ideas? Cheers