Recipe for "Special" Pizza


Okay...... I was wondering if you can make special pizza's because me and my friend's birthday is coming up in June. And I always wanted to make a fresh cooked special pizza for me and my buddy. and if you can may somebody please post a link or list the items I need I'd really appreciate it Thankz.

P.S Happy Baking


Well-Known Member
I would suggest instead of Using butter to butter your pizza before you top it, to use canna butter instead of regular butter....seems like it would work.


Well-Known Member
You could use canna oil and make a more med style pizza. Or just drizzle canna butter all over it.


Active Member
Omg that sounds delicious. My friends and I used to use "Pizza" as our little code word for weed, back when we were in high school. I agree with Murfy on this one though, throw some cubensis on there and have a blast!