Recommendations for CBD only strain and where to purchase ??


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone ! I am trying to find seeds to grow some CBD and am having trouble finding some to purchase. Something I keep bumping into is strains that have CBD but also THC and I want only CBD. Also it would be swell if the place took credit card but if it’s a reputable place I can send cash. Thanks to everyone for taking the time to look at this and helping !!
PS ... if anyone has outdoor going in MA area I would love to see any progress or process that your willing to share ! I’ve been trying to suck up all the knowledge I can. Thanks again
Med Tree Seeds through oregonelite. They have a ton of CBD strains to choose from as well as wixed THC/CBD and straight THC. I've used their gear in the past and really liked it.
Med Tree Seeds through oregonelite. They have a ton of CBD strains to choose from as well as wixed THC/CBD and straight THC. I've used their gear in the past and really liked it.
I was curious if you might know where I could locate some information about the strains ? More specifically the ones that are for sale on Oregon elite ? I would like to know which ones have just CBD and the CBD percentage stat as well. I know I know I’m asking for a lot haha thank you so much for pointing me in there direction though! I appreciate it
I was curious if you might know where I could locate some information about the strains ? More specifically the ones that are for sale on Oregon elite ? I would like to know which ones have just CBD and the CBD percentage stat as well. I know I know I’m asking for a lot haha thank you so much for pointing me in there direction though! I appreciate it
The ones that say 30:1 or around that are all cbd. You gotta go diggin
I was curious if you might know where I could locate some information about the strains ? More specifically the ones that are for sale on Oregon elite ? I would like to know which ones have just CBD and the CBD percentage stat as well. I know I know I’m asking for a lot haha thank you so much for pointing me in there direction though! I appreciate it

Med Tree seeds has a good amount of info on their instagram but here is a link. it takes you to icmag forum and a very active thread called San diegos finest cuts. If you dig through those pages the owner of Med Tree posts a lot of info in there you just have to dig for it. You can also ask him questions his screen name is ECtraveler.
The ones that say 30:1 or around that are all cbd. You gotta go diggin

I bought about 10 packs of those. They go very fast. to have that big of a CBD percentage and female seeds is great. I'm running some of the magic bullet-berry blossom outdoors this season, excited to see what comes up!
Hey thanks guys this great. I do not have Instagram or Facebook so I often don’t check those out. This time I’m gunna look into it. Appreciate all the info