Recommendations on Hydroponic Systems Available on the Market

Hi there,

I am looking to invest in a hydroponic system. I am a med patient wanting t to grow about 3 mature plants. I'm looking for a small set-up as I live in an apartment, space is an issue. I am a hydroponic n00b so I would like an 'as straight-forward system' as possible. I have a budget of about $500. Anyone have some systems they can recommend to me?

I'm not really looking to invest a lot of time in building my own set-up and would ideally like to purchase one that's ready to go.

I appreciate the help, thank you.


Well-Known Member
go to your local hydroponics store and talk to the owner/worker and ask for a system that can be designed for $500


Active Member
i have also been thinking of doing a first hydro setup, and building one is absolutely the way to go... i was thinking of aerro/dwc with 5 gal buckets.maybe submersible pumps in each.
been in soil for about 3 yrs now, so i figure its about time. now with using tap water-we have some of the top rated in tjhe country : The pH of your drinking water is 8.1.
Water hardness is measured as calcium carbonate. Usually when hardness is lower than 60 milligrams per liter (mg/L), the water is “soft." When hardness is higher than 180 mg/L the water is “hard." my water is moderately hard, at 159 mg/L or 9.3 grains of calcium carbonate per gallon.
Sodium level in the drinking water is 20 mg/L.
Calcium level in the drinking water is 46 mg/L.
Your drinking water contains fluoride, which naturally occurrs in the environment. adds fluoride to equal one part per million. so do i need a ro system?? or just use a ph up and down? would appreciate any feedback on ideas for both of us


Well-Known Member
RO would prob. be the way to go and you get the water new 0 ppms, but check out my grow i use tap water and ph down and it seems to be working out great


Active Member
do coco with a drip feed it will be much more forgiving for and in experienced grower and will put you on the right track. Also a hydro system like ebb and grow would be a bit much for 3 plants! good luck - dank