recommended dose of fertalizer


Active Member
First time growing and I was wondering I am using Schultz fert, Bloom Builder 5-30-5, for budding, and I was wondering do i use the amount for Outdoor Blooming Plants, That is 20ml per 8L of water everytime you feed, or do I use the amount for Blooming Houseplants, That is 2.5ml per 4L of water everytime you water. I have 6 indoor plants with a 400 watt hps light in a pot that is about 8in high and 8in round, thay are about 13in to 18in high. using for Blooming houseplants right now. about4 weeks into budding.
Thanks alot guy your helping alot.


Well-Known Member
I think if you aren't using Hydro Nutes you mix half to a quarter what the instructions say.