red danson's 2015 PNW outdoor grow

yo @atvman84, plants looking awesome, love the strain choice. do you have a journal posted up anywhere, would love to follow along with your grow.

as far as the fastberry, it's a auto version of dj shorts blueberry.
do u know if the soil mixture will affect finished buds as far as smoothness , and taste,. cuz i dont think i need any bottled is picture of leafs


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Hey man nice updates, you have an ambitious outdoor project going. I planted one in the wild this morning, I popped 5/5 for my indoor grow and only have room for four, total improv on the guerilla grow but can't waste it. Crash course on outdoor growing, I checked your post a couple times too. good luck!

thanks man, so far its definitely been a learning experience but super fun. really glad i have a second chance with three more autos, as i have a really solid game plan for that round based on how some different methods of doing stuff has gone. there is a TON of really good info in this thread [] about organic pest management as well as organic/natural ways of battling disease like powdery mildew and stuff like that [@atvman84 you should def check it out too]. you gotta scroll down a little bit till we get past just soil, and some of the info is linked from this thread to a diff thread, but thats the start of the wormhole that I ended up with a lot out of for outdoor stuff.

one of the super gold nuggets i got out of there is foliar misting the fan leafs with aloe juice [watered down (i do 2 oz per 24 oz h20)], especially when you're topping, transplanting, they get nute burn, any sort of shock. the aloe seems to really help then pull through faster, i wish i had got that tip a little earlier for a couple of my plants...but onward and upward!!!

anyway, good luck with both your grows! i'm in the same situation of having an extra plant and not wanting to get rid of it — luckily i've got a buddy who lives close and doesn't mind me throwing my runt plant in the back of his shop. glad i had the backup though!!!
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do u know if the soil mixture will affect finished buds as far as smoothness , and taste,. cuz i dont think i need any bottled is picture of leafs

from what i've read, the organic super soil method is supposed to give really clean tasting buds. really depends on what your whole mix is, as far as if it has enough nutes to make it all the way through bloom, and if it has both enough of the N for veg stage and flower stage, as well as the P and K it needs for the flowering stage.
wow OP that aloe spray sounds great. That link you gave on organic tips isn't working can you check it? Sounds like good stuff
wow OP that aloe spray sounds great. That link you gave on organic tips isn't working can you check it? Sounds like good stuff
thanks dude, yeah the aloe is great, and totally makes sense... if it helps our skin heal. after a burn, why not a plant...

think I fixed link


it's been in general a pretty damn hot week, but not making it too much over 95 for longer than a hour or so if ever, and getting down into the low 60's every night. between that, and the end of the second phase of the moon cycle culminating with the full moon growth has been really great across the whole garden.

cannabis aint the only plant that loves the super soil, and little dogs like the heat almost as much as the plants do.

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holy shit, she's really stretching now and the buds are really starting to show. so fun to watch this lady grow. the guys at fast buds seem pretty impressed with her, good to know that i'm doin' it right with at least one of my plants. cant wait to have a second shot to get all my plants growing like this is R2.

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the last picture is on monday, rest of these are yesterday/today — carries over through rest of image sets in this post and the next.

continued in pt. 2


it's been a rough/eventful week for the swiss cheese. i didn't move pepper plants out of the way well enough when i was trying to train down her main nodes to 90 deg angles, lost my balance, and broke that side off. that left me with just one growth tip on the plant, on just one side of the node i am mainlining from. after freaking out for a little bit I hit up the guys in the mainlining thread [thanks @Mohican & @Redvirgo] who told me not to worry, that side would just beef the hell up and become the new node to mainline from. i let her recover for a day or two [topical aloe at the break point and foliar spray] seemed to help speed that up quite a bit. i already topped her once so we're back at two heads, and have basically just lost a week, but gained some serious beef in the stem and where that node comes off of it. i supercropped the two branches coming off the main mainline node this morning, so those joints will seriously beef up too, and hopefully won't happen again. going to wait till she's quite a bit more ready before i start the LST, probably keep it a full cycle behind the topping, so will start to LST the first yoke when i top to 4 heads. i'm waiting until 3 more nodes to top again.

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she's really hit her stride this week and is blasting up in height. starting to show buds about the same looking as the fastberry's about a week ago, so hoping that means she's just a 9 or 10 week'r instead of a 8 week'r like says on their site.

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def kicking ass, growing very fast right now. looking back through my past months of pasts, she is on a similar track as the fastberry was on at same age. i really hope they both go purple.

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AIGHT! — thats where we're at for this week. Overall, everything going pretty godamn well. I'm going to start adding coconut water and molasses to my waterings this week, and add protekt [for sillica] to my twice weekly aloe foliar feedings. have started to be really careful with the fastberry not to spray the buds and just the fan leafs. thanks to everybody for showing the love!!!
Nice progress you git some buds. So you were trying main lining on one? Aside from basic topping, main lining is extremely interesting I def want to try it some time. Fastberry Auto looking nice!
Hey man you seem well researched I have one girl outside for a week now, saw first sign of pest activity  it ate the leaf portion but left the vein or whatever it's called, it's been damp and 50% rainy the past few days and I didn't see any crawlers so something mobile. Any idea what it could be, more importantly what do you recommend for prevention? Hope you don't mind me posting pic thanks


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Hey man you seem well researched I have one girl outside for a week now, saw first sign of pest activity  it ate the leaf portion but left the vein or whatever it's called, it's been damp and 50% rainy the past few days and I didn't see any crawlers so something mobile. Any idea what it could be, more importantly what do you recommend for prevention? Hope you don't mind me posting pic thanks

yeah, its a pretty bad year for earwigs, slugs, caterpillars etc... the crazy warm/mild winter does it. i just brewed up a cilantro/lemon balm pesticide tea [got all info from that recycled soil/no till thread i posted earlier] and it seems to have been helping. giving them a little silica with their water should help the plant stay strong and be able to take a little more beating from the bugs too.
Yea man haven't seen you for awhile whats up,. but yea this summer is crazy, the El nino we have brewing, I think is unstable and might be getting stronger. The Pm is a pain in the ass though even with the hot days, humid nights/mourning, never seen it this bad .

Shit's kickin' into full gear this week. I was gone camping for a few days and was blown away when I got home — always fun to not see 'em for a few days so you can really notice how fast they are growing.

She's been really packin' it for the past 10 days or so. Seems to have stopped stretching, right at about 3ft/90cm. The purple is def coming through, more and more every day, bit by bit on pretty much every part of the plant. Smell is totally epic — sweet, fruity, berry incense with just a tiny bit of funk — can't wait to smoke this one. We're at about exactly 6 weeks with her today, so got about 2 or 3 left till the chop.

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Has hit the stretch now and is starting to grow little buds. If you look in the third picture, you can see that even the very first little stem buds popping out are lavender/pinkish color. Very cool looking, so far living up to the claim of "purple pyder #2 is as much of a pleasure to watch grow as to smoke" on The Joint Doctors website.


part II coming shortly!
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Def got this lady back on her mainline track. Topped today again [photo from Sunday pre said topping] for a total of 8 tops. Am stopping here and hopefully have at least a couple weeks of vegging before flowering/the stretch starts.

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She like doubled in height this week, and is actually almost as tall as the fastberry now. A little bit less beefy, but that seems in line with the more sativa leaning strains, as well as normal GC's reputation for being a little bit of a lower yielder. Overall VERY happy with her.


OKAY! I finally got a chance to snap a few pics when I checked up on the SB at my buddies this weekend. As you can see, we've trained her into a tiny bush and she is full into flower now. She has 7 bud sites which are all really beefing up now — obviously its been super stunted, but I can really see how this type of training could get a pretty good yielding plant if done correctly. Will be trying more of this kindof training this fall when I get my indoor space up and running.

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AIGHT PEEPS — thats where we're at for now! Will try to update sooner next week, shit got a little crazy with work for me for a little bit there, but back into my normal swing of things now.


Shits been poppin' in the garden the past couple weeks, the first set of autos are deep into flower and getting closer and closer to harvest time. The Fastberry is getting NUTS and making my mouth water. I cannot WAIT to smoke that shit. It rained/stormed pretty hard for a couple days, and I couldn't handle the idea of letting her get wet so I built a temporary greenhouse in the driveway out of my defunct shade shelter. Turned out super good, and kept all three of my autos pretty damn dry.

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I inherited a clone from one of my homies who works at a medical grow operation about a week ago. They got rid of all their 10 week'ers, and I was lucky enough to end up with a double diesel clone. She's been staying with the Sour Bubbly down the street for the time being, until I harvest one of my autos. She's lookin' pretty good, beefing up bit by bit. She won't have as much time to veg as ideally I'd like — I might have him start bringing her in after the sun clears in the evening to put under a CFL so she won't start flowering till I'm ready for her to. BUT she's a 10 week'er so that puts her flowering until deeper into the fall than I'd feel great about. Driveway greenhouse? Let her finish in the grow tent my fucking badass ladyfriend got me for my birthday? Haven't decided yet —we'll have to see how it goes!

The plan for R2 of Autos is now a Fast Buds Six-Shooter [Crystal Meth x Mexican Airlines] and a Mephisto SODK x Ripley OG. I've been collecting beans bit by bit over the past few weeks and will continue to for a little bit till I get a good stock on hand. Get ready for some of the strains I've got in the hopper, I'm pretty fuckin' excited.

Back to the new batch of soil. Last batch has been working pretty well, but I feel like there is room for some improvement. First off, I am trying a new base mix — EB Stone's 420 Mix. It was comparable price to the black gold organic [about 5 bucks cheaper a bag than Roots] and from the ingredients list sounds a lot better than Roots. It's loaded with microbes, which is perfect for the kind of gardening I do. Found it at Portland Nursery, which BTW, has all the amendments I use for my soil — DTE brand much cheaper than grow shops. They also have a bunch of stuff [bone, blood, feather, kelp meals, greensand, gypsum] in bulk bins which is even cheaper.

In addition to the new base soil, I watered the mix with molasses & Myco-Fusion Bio-Jolt 1.5 to kickstart colonization. I have heard nothing but good things about the whole Myco-Fusion line from Santiam Organics, and picked up the Green 150 and the Bio-Jolt to use for this next round, and will be picking up the Rhizo charge as well before anything gets transplanted. It totally blows my mind the difference in whats in the Green 150 compared to the Xtreme mycos I used in my first batch. It also looks and smells a lot funkier than the Xtreme, which was all white and smelled benign. I've used the Bio-Jolt twice so far on my existing plants, and its totally kicked shit into overdrive. The swiss cheese literally doubled growth speed overnight. I can't wait to see how it does with this new mix.

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Random Weird Thing: One leaf on the SC is in full two-face mode. I am assuming this is a mutation, not a nutrient deficiency, but let me know if anybody think's otherwise.

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Detailed Plant updates coming in parts II, III, & IV.

She is at almost 7 weeks, 46 days today. Continuing the purple from the inside out treatment, starting to grow real buds and frostin' up real well. Definitely not going to be done by 8 weeks, i'm guessing 10. Starting to smell rad, although hard to describe. My guess on yield right now is prob 30g, or maybe a little less.

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Just over 8 weeks, at 58 days. She's got lots of good sized stem buds, 4 branches covered in buds, and a big ol' fat cola sittin' on the top of it all. And every bud on the plant is just shimmering with trichromes. I cannot WAIT to smoke this shit. The smell is out of this world, like a blueberry patch outside a opium den — this rich hazy incense thats ripe with berry fruityness. Am going to let her go at least another week, maybe two. I've pretty stumped on what the yield is gonna be for this gal — at least 60g is my guess — hoping for 90g, but we'll see. There is a lot of beefy buds.

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One day older than the fastberry, the GC is coming in at 59 days. Her buds are really starting to fill/stretch out and are totally covered in frost. You can really see the sativa in the genetics, its pretty funny to see such a perfect miniature version of what is usually such a big plant. The smell is really unique, like cantaloupe rotting in a pine forrest in the dead of summer. Hard to say when she'll get cut, at least 2 more weeks. Guess on yield is 30g, maybe a little more.

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So last we checked in, I had just fucked her up at the start of June (jesus, I can't believe its been so long since I updated this). Since then I've definitely put a lot of TLC into topping and training her into the mainlined driveway mini-monster I had been dreaming of. I hit 8 main colas 2 weeks ago, and when I measured her today she was 27" from where the root hit the soil and has probably done 18 of those inches since hitting 8 colas. No signs of flowering yet, so I think I can safely say fully recovered from my fuck up. I'm hoping she'll start flowering soon, as I've seen a couple journals of these on other sites and they can more than double in height. Absolutely no idea on yield, hoping for at least 120g which would be a half ounce per top. Fingers crossed!!!

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The sour bubbly returned home this past Monday, and got harvested! It was a little early, she def could have gone another week — but it was my birthday, had the day off and she was the runt anyway. For those of you who haven't followed this the whole way, this plant is a total runt auto that I tried to transplant outside too early, it stopped growing for over a week. She made a little bit of a recovery, but still stayed very small. Great smelling buds though that are pretty sugary. It was super fun, and I ended up with 52g of buds wet — so prob 10-15g dry. Did a rough manicure before I let her dry, and am gonna clean it up some after the cure. Was really glad I had this gal to practice on before my non-runts.

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i subbed this log and never get the alerts damn it well got a lot of good reading to do from the photos things are looking great good job bro