red hairs 17 days before harvest, too soon??

Da Chef

i have a lot of red hairs and there are still 17 days before the full 8 week flowering is over.

the plant is in day 39 of flowering. does that mean it should harvest sooner than 8 weeks? i thought the hairs only turned red a few days before harvest.
If you will harvest according to a general rough flowering timeframe given for any strain your chances of ending up with the best you can get is minimal.
Harvest by trichome color and only by trichome color and pay no heed to estimated number of days or weeks for maturity or colors or anything else.
No, hairs may turn red way before harvest. Than again pistils don't mean s#it when it comes to ripeness/maturity.

Take Brick Top's advice and check the trichomes!
True, it's all personal. I like getting high rather than stoned, so I try to go for around 70% milky, 20% amber and the rest clear.
Trichomes tell the tale.I like 70 to 80% amber.It gives me just what I want.Other may not agree.

It really does come down to personal preference.

Regardless of at what trichome color you harvest you can really only fine-tune what you have grown because the strain’s genetics will play the main role in what you end up with.

You cannot take a pure sativa or something predominantly sativa and harvest when the trichomes are mostly amber and end up with a heavy indica body stone and you cannot take a pure indica or something predominantly indica and harvest when the trichomes are mostly milky white/cloudy and end up with a clear soaring motivational inspirational cerebral head high. There is only so much you can do to fine-tune what you have grown.
Just as long as you do not wait until the trichomes are fully amber before you harvest you have not waited to long to harvest.

Once fully amber the degradation of THC has begun and it turns into CBN.

When you allow that to happen you have not increased THC levels but instead decreased THC levels and replaced it with another cannabinoid, CBN, that instead of getting you high or stoned instead only makes you feel "messed up."

Many growers/smokers confuse a "messed up" reaction/feeling due to increased levels of CBN for being increased levels of THC when that is not the case, it never was the case and it never will be the case.
Once a plant’s trichomes have turned milky white/cloudy the level of THC has reached its peak and it will not increase by allowing the trichomes to turn amber.

Picking one over the other only somewhat alters the effects of your herb when smoked and that is where personal preference is factored in.
When it comes to more of a head high or more of a body stone or some combination of the two no one’s personal preference in trichome color is wrong unless they harvest before the trichomes begin to turn milky white/cloudy or unless they wait until the trichomes have turned fully amber.
Doing either of those is a mistake, is wrong, but nothing in between is wrong as long as it is what the grower prefers and each individual has to decide for themselves what they like best and what they want the most and then harvest accordingly and ignore all those who advise them to do otherwise because their advice would be based on that person’s personal preference instead of the growers personal preference.
early signs of brown hair could be a hermie and what not

That is correct. An early browning of pistils can often times be a sign of impregnation and that can be from a hermi or a male that was not separated from the females soon enough.
Once pollinated, pistils will turn brown and then depending on the strain normally between 14 to 35 days later there will be mature seeds in your weed.
Late browning of pistils that coincide with the change of trichome colors is normal and nothing to be concerned about. It is a sign of maturing/ripening, though not one that is accurate enough to harvest by.

But if it happens early likely you have trouble right here in River City.
thanks bricktop and everyone else for the info. i am thinking that it is probably getting close to harvest. there has been little to no vertical growth for a few weeks. and the bud looks pretty dense, but it is hard to tell because i kept the plant as small as naturally possible(not on purpose and it's a long story). it is pretty much at max height at 7 1/2 in. crazy huh? there was no vegging for this plant at all. straight into flowering and is looking pretty mature after 40 days of flowering. which is unsually short. i am gonna give atleast another week maybe 2.
if anyone is interested i am gonna add some photos when i wake up in about 6 hours. lol.