Red spots then leaves yellowing dwc grow purple paralyzer


Ok so i can't figure this out. Got a purple paralyzer going in my 5 gallon dwc and the older fan leaves keep getting spots. Little red spots then the leaf drys out and turns yellow. I can't figure this out. I have added recommended cal mag and the p.h. Is constantly 5.7/5.8 range and the temp is about 77-82ish at most. The new growth is fine. I was wondering what could be doing this. It's has just been this strain. Anyone ever grown it? What is the deal what should I do.
And I have been growing awhile. That's why I can't figure this out. I have done everything to correct the problem that I have done in the past but its not working on this one. Maybe read my whole statement before just giving a guide to info I have read a million times.
My other plants are fine. And this ones roots are great the ppm is good the ph is good and I have added cal mag several times and checked the water after. It just doesn't stop to the older leaves. Could it be a fungus. I ran out of hydroton and just put gravel that I let sit in distilled water for awhile on top of the hydroton I had left.i just used gravel to cover the rockwool so it couldn't get mold. Could the gravel be causing this?
Some strains have a heavier demand for calcium than others.

I have a Fruity chronic juice that is a calcium whore.

I had to mix up 1.6litres of water with 2.5ml Ca and 2ml Mg which gave me an EC of 1.5 or around [email protected] or [email protected]. To help the deficiency.

I'm trying different amounts to help to stop it.

I do add Ca and Mg with my nutes but its still never enough for this girl. Lol.

My others plants are fine.

Just a thought.

Also little spots are calcium not magnesium.

Magnesium starts with the leaves curling at the edges followed by leaves getting paler then yellow/white leaves.

Thanks dude for some real wordage and not just a link. I have put about double what I normally do for my other strains but this one still wants more. I'm gonna give it another dose.
Well, I have been growing "awhile" myself bro, but that certainly don't make me no expert. ;) and it seems to me if you would "drop" the atitude, and open your "ears" you may learn something, insted coming right out with a well I've been growing 4 years, but can't figure this out BS!!

And I have been growing awhile. That's why I can't figure this out. I have done everything to correct the problem that I have done in the past but its not working on this one. Maybe read my whole statement before just giving a guide to info I have read a million times.
Thanks dude for some real wordage and not just a link. I have put about double what I normally do for my other strains but this one still wants more. I'm gonna give it another dose.

And that's the problem with newbie growers! They don't want to "read" & work for it! They want someone to hand it to them all the time!
Dude I'm done with this after this but I said what the prob was In the first post. I said cal or mag. But I guess you don't know how to read. Good luck on your four years growing hope you grow a better attitude and not some know it all I'm better than newbs complex you got.
Your the 1 that cocked the atitude in the 1st place! Go back and reread your post! And I'm not better then know one. Your the 1 that came off like that! Again, maybe "you" should learn how to read yourself, and better yet "respect"!!
Some strains have a heavier demand for calcium than others.

I have a Fruity chronic juice that is a calcium whore.

I had to mix up 1.6litres of water with 2.5ml Ca and 2ml Mg which gave me an EC of 1.5 or around [email protected] or [email protected]. To help the deficiency.

I'm trying different amounts to help to stop it.

I do add Ca and Mg with my nutes but its still never enough for this girl. Lol.

My others plants are fine.

Just a thought.


Just letting you know that dosage I used above in 1.6litres of water seems to have stopped the progression of the deficiency.

I have now doubled what I normally mix into my nutes. 6ml Ca and 6ml Mg instead of 3ml each in 18litres of nute mix.

This initially increases my EC by 0.2 or around [email protected]

Which cal mag do you use. Botanicare says use 2 ml per gallon. I'm at 5 now and things have slowed I think. I lost a few fan leaves but it's gonna be ok.
I use CANNA mono Ca and mono Mg.

Individual bottles for each.

Each bottle says to correct a deficiency use 1-2ml per litre.

The Ca is 11% and the Mg is 7%.
