Red stem dark color


Well-Known Member
Ambient temp is 71f and under the T5 is 75f
RH 40% on average I know it’s extremely low my house has no humidifier in the furnace so everytime I open my door the house absorbs all the moisture.
PPM 270 ph 5.7/ using 3 part jungle juice and B52 with Rhyno skin silica , I don’t need PH down because my RO water comes out 5.8 IDK why but I was reading about something about co2 makes it acidic I honestly don’t have much experience with that all I know is my old house RO was much higher PH I think 7
This is just for test purposes 1 seed I just popped 4-5 days ago it was long enough to put in cloner well it’s actually going to in this entire life cycle trying to think of everything I can tell about anyway it’s got some weird deficiency or something I’m not experienced enough to say what it is never seen the dark red on new shoot coming up and stem is red plus it’s white washed a little any suggestions? Or tell me what I’m doing wrong thanks

Ok zoom in on the center that dark color normal?
it’s just an expression of the plant imo. A lot of my most recent seedlings have looked like this early on. I’ve got an 818 headband doing this right now, and it appears very healthy
If this plant were droopy or turning yellow I would be concerned. I think this pigment in the center will fade out as the leaves grow
If this plant were droopy or turning yellow I would be concerned. I think this pigment in the center will fade out as the leaves grow
Okay thanks man it was just a seed from a party bag that I had gotten back in the day when the Sexy Mexie was around so who knows maybe it’s the genes