Red Stems?

Junior Grow

So, one of my strains has some redish stems on it and I'm not positive what could be causing this.
I don't want to add supplements to the plant/soil if I'm not 100% sure what the problem is here.
If you need pictures, or information about the plants, let me know and I will post anything you need.
Thanks in advance, I appreciate it.


Active Member
cold temp can make stems purple/red, if its real bad and the veins are purple could be P deficiency but harley is right, probably normal. Most of my plants get some coloured stems at some point

Junior Grow

cold temp can make stems purple/red, if its real bad and the veins are purple could be P deficiency but harley is right, probably normal. Most of my plants get some coloured stems at some point
Ok, its not bad bad, just some red lines at the center of the leaves and up and down the branches a bit, nothing hateful. And when you say P deficiency, what are you referring to?


Well-Known Member
male plant.....................
To some challenged forum users - we all know they are out there so I thought I will clarify.
Do not conclude that red stems on your plant early in life will indicate that you have a boy.
I only use fems and so far about 80% of my strains shown red stems sometimes as early as right after sprouting from seed. There is a chance of this being nutrient related but I would say it is genes of the plant. If everything else looks healthy red stems just make the plant more beautiful. Period.


Well-Known Member
they turn this color because too much nutrient availability youll notice all green growth only using tap water on seedlings. once the plant is established and growing vigorously it shouldnt be purple/red.


Well-Known Member
To some challenged forum users - we all know they are out there so I thought I will clarify.
Do not conclude that red stems on your plant early in life will indicate that you have a boy.
I only use fems and so far about 80% of my strains shown red stems sometimes as early as right after sprouting from seed. There is a chance of this being nutrient related but I would say it is genes of the plant. If everything else looks healthy red stems just make the plant more beautiful. Period.
scrog is probably concluding it is a male because of the nanners all over that plant, not the stem color.
Did you even look at the photos?


Well-Known Member
I am not saying his plant is not a male. Just wanted to clarify because we all know that there will be one or two numpties who after reading through this post will conclude that red stems = male which is not true of course.


Yeah I got red stems on my two fems. Doesn't mean they are male. It's the nutes ... Mine have a (mg) and (p) deficiency but if you feed them the right nutes they will go green again in a week


New Member
why r you saving this male? is this a breeding project? i wouldnt worry about a little red in the stems on a male, it looks about ready to drop pollen