redness on hairs normal, right?

Quick question....noticed today that my white hairs are starting to turn a reddish/brownish color....this is normal, correct? If not, how do I fix it?

They have been in bloom for about 1 and a half month now...any way to tell how much longer they have?

Also, I have been misting them while they have been in bloom (chlorine-free, 5.5-6ph water) I supposed to be doing this? Thanks for the answers ya'll!

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
it's normal for them to change as they mature. Look at the trichomes to determine when to harvest. You can spray but probably better not too because you could mold your buds. They are highly subsebtiable in the later sages of flowering especially. If you spray do it when the light comes on so they have plenty of time for the moisture to evaporate.