redondo beach plant theif


Well-Known Member
if hes not medi y would he have big plants not hidden at all in his back yard in the middle of a neibor hood....................toquer hope u catch the fucker, i'm sure he will try again theifs r hard headed. wish i could jsut grow ganja in my back yard

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
get a load of fishing line with fishing hooks spread along it the tied and knotted tie the end of the line to the bottom of the plant and run it around the plant next to it and vice a versa this way which ever line catches it has another anchor make sure the hooks are barbed and out of view as most likely he'll be back in the night now he know's where they are and maybe put some chicken wire around them just incase of your pets or the neighbours i should add make sure you use a high strength line it would be nice if you had some where else to tie the lines off like the bottom of a fence post etc ya never know you could wake up and he's still there in need of help lol


Active Member
That's why you need to carry a weapon. Shoot the guy and his death will ensure nobody else tries to take your shit.


Well-Known Member
Soak some 16penny nails in a bucket with salt and water for a week or two, run a bunch of them through scrap wood and place around your plants then lightly cover with soil and unless their wearing jump boots with pungie plates they are going to have a real fucking bad day.


Well-Known Member
If that were me finding him i probably would have hurdled that fence.

the cheek of some people.

Bet your glad you saw him.



Active Member
W Dragon, thanks for the input, i'm gonna run with that idea. was looking for a solution to wrap the stems of the plant with to ensure that his hands hurt like hell if he gets a hold of it again.

yes i am a medical grower, licensed, legal, verified, working on aggricultural certification once it happens in this country.

he's been here before, other video show him actually taking 3 plants out of the ground with the roots hanging as he jumps the fence. it was shorter at that time.

i threw a 1.5 inch dowel at him about 4 feet long. it shattered when it hit the wall. must have sounded like a gun shot.

in this wonderful country...
A. man can not protect property with lethal force
B. guns at a grow site = drugs
C. razor spikes, razor wire, barbed wire, electric fencing all not allowed in residentiall zoned areas

it will be a bit before he's back i'm almost certain of that as what the video didn't show was his tumble down a flight of stairs as he jumped the neighbors railing not knowing what was beneath it.

but for next time, we've got a paintball gun wth way more pressure than necessary and a rapid fire trigger. and i'm not going to stop until i'm out of ammo!!

happy growing!!


Well-Known Member
hahahahahhaha a paintball gun. go online and order reballs. they are rubber paintballs and at 350 fps hurt like living hell. he will cry out in pain trust me i know. hit my marine buddy with one and he cried. cried i tell you. they are a lil pricey but will do the trick. btw what kind of gun did ya get?


Well-Known Member
in this wonderful country...
A. man can not protect property with lethal force
B. guns at a grow site = drugs
C. razor spikes, razor wire, barbed wire, electric fencing all not allowed in residentiall zoned areas
Nails sticking out of scrap board facing up may get you fired at a job site or get you in trouble if they were in an unfenced front yard but if some idiot half assed criminal trips over some junk in your private access backyard in any other state besides Cali he's just a fuckin moron that the cops can find pretty easy because he's going to have to show up to get a tetanus shot somewhere.


Active Member
I second the fishhook idea. We had a prick steal the pagota out of our garden 2 times in a year. I glued some 1/0 size plastic worm hooks on the trunk of the thing and painted them black. One morning I found blood, alot of skin and some of the hooks were straightened the fuck out. I hope it was worth it for the dumb basterd.. LOL We still have the pagota. LOL


Well-Known Member
Lol! Great video man. This must have happened before, I'd love to hear the story behind it. Who the hell is this guy? How did you happen to see him?


Well-Known Member
Nails sticking out of scrap board facing up may get you fired at a job site or get you in trouble if they were in an unfenced front yard but if some idiot half assed criminal trips over some junk in your private access backyard in any other state besides Cali he's just a fuckin moron that the cops can find pretty easy because he's going to have to show up to get a tetanus shot somewhere.
I don't know man a lot of these states pretty rediculous. When my grandparents sold their house in Florida the realtor fell walking into her step-down kitchen. Long story short they got sued for the realtors negligence. In Georgia I've seen cases where people got sued by trespassing hunters, injured on their property. All these pricks have to do is go whining about it and they'll try to hit your home owners, or worse - YOU.