Well-Known Member
I took this from a forum.Well tonight I saw a brand new movie which has just hit cinemas across the world. Its called The Incredible Burt Wonderstone: www.imdb.co.uk/title/tt0790628/ and its a comedy about a failing pair of Vegas magicians starring Steve Carell (40yr old virgin etc), Steve Buscemi (Reservoir Dogs), Jim Carey etc. Now you might be wondering what this has got to do with this KA forum, so prepare yourself for a shock if you havent seen the movie yet. Hollywood has now included kratom in its very first movie and not even in some fleeting reference.
When the pair of magicians lose their jobs and split up, one (Steve Buscemi) goes to work for a charity abroad where he discovers kratom in a village where locals are addicted and it states that taking it knocks you unconscious "for an hour". I kinda thought that one scene was the end of it, but no lol. Near the end of the movie they decide to order a huge amount of kratom and make tea which seemingly gives off a gas and knocks out their audience allowing them to perform great tricks. From there on in it becomes a part of their act and is the big conclusion of the movie and the re-establishment of their career where every show they knock out the audience with kratom so they can perform magic tricks while the audience is unconscious.
So what do you think of that? Big movie, big stars, and big kratom all over our cinema screens. Im surprised no one else has reported this yet but I sat dumbfounded watching it.
Source: http://www.kratomassociation.org/forum/14-about-kratom/7002-kratom-hits-hollywood-and-our-movie-screens#7002
What do you guys think about this? This movie got horrible reviews but Jesus Chirst. I hate this kind of crap.
What do you guys think? I haven't seen this, but I might for shits and.. Well not giggles.. But.. Punches to the face.
Wouldn't it be funny if a James Holmes thing happened in this movie, to give it more publicity?
Stuff is so fucked nowadays that who even knows anymore.. lol