Reesee’s first trial run grow. Bag seed 2016


Active Member
Reesee’s first trial run grow. Bag seed 2016

Hi there, I’m a first time poster and on my first grow! I’m already an avid gardener of regular plants, so my journal does not start from day 1, but at 4/6 weeks with a recap. Please do post here if you have suggestions, I can use all the guidance I can get at this point. I started out with 4 random bag seeds in Jiffy pods, 2 of them germinated, but only 1 made it past the initial transplant. (oops, moved it too early) No big deal, since this is a trial run grow before I use my known strain seeds. After 2 weeks in the pod, I moved the whole pod to a fabric ½ gallon (5”) pouch. Soil mixture is Foxfarm + organic pearlite. From there it spent about 4 weeks in a space bucket before it grew out of it. Initially I was planning to only use the bucket for the entire grow, but quickly learned that it’s impractical, especially while learning. After moving out of the bucket, she was transplanted into a 2.25 gallon plastic greenhouse container where she remains today at 6 weeks. I say she now because I’m pretty confident that it’s a female judging by the pre-flower shoots (and from what I’ve read). She smells SO good, so it was time to move out of the house anyways. The bucket has been shut down, and now a cabinet 4’ tall, 4’ wide and 10” deep will be her new home for the duration. The new cabinet has 8 CFL (4-40w day/4-40w soft) and 2 regular tube fluorescents I just had lying around). I’m fertilizing twice a week with Dyna-gro Foliage pro.

((6 Weeks - before LST))

At 6 weeks, she’s 12 inches tall and I’ve decided to just go ahead and try to train LST. I’m using Velcro plant ties for this, and monitoring/moving them twice a day when needed. I really hope I’m doing this right… the bend of the main stalk is pretty extreme, I considered loosening it up a bit. Thoughts?

((after LST))

So, as you can see, this plant is putting out 11 point leaves. Not exactly sure if that means anything, the research on 11 point leaves is all over the place as far as what people “think” it means.

((11 pt. Leaf))

4 days into LST and it’s looking good, getting fuller (when first time I tied it looked rather light as expected). But, I check at lunch time today and BARELY exactly ½ of a point on a brand new top leaf – is yellow. Like solid yellow. All other points of the leaf are green. I doubt that it’s nute burn because I am due to fertilize in 2 days, so it’s been a while. I’m also trying to figure out watering in the plastic container, vs. the old fabric one (which I had to water daily). So I’m thinking I may have waited a little too long to water, but for extra caution, I also moved it a few inches down from the bulbs, in case it’s due to heat. Being as the new growth is solid yellow with all other points solid green, I’m leaning toward the watering issue. (yes I went ahead and gave it a good water). Any input on this would be appreciated. Do you think the bending of the main stalk caused this? (it’s not snapped or anything just bent) Temps are right around 80-82 during the day and 73-75 at night. Humidity sits around 50% +/- 10.

((main stalk LST starting bend))
((bad leaf)) hard to get a good focus on, will update later.. upper left side
So that's where I'm at now... I am not sure when I am going to start the photoperiod. Vacation is scheduled in June so I'm not sure if I should flower before then, or if I'll have enough time to. If I wait till after June to flower, I'm thinking the veg will get out of control. Also, I have some better quality 5 gal cloth buckets, on the fence about upgrading the container as well. Any input is welcome! Thanks for reading :)
OK I can't wait any longer, I've decided to put this thing on 12/12 at exactly 7 weeks old. It's looking great, and I think since I waited so long to LST, (last minute decision) that it made a nice bottom shelf of leaves and a separate top shelf. I'll add a pic tonight after the lights turn back on. I think it's going pretty well for 1st time random bag seed.

I'm also having my husband build me yet another cabinet, but this is it... (how quickly it went from a space bucket to 2 cabinets each able to hold 2 plants comfortably) I want to have the option for a photo-period cabinet, and one for auto flowering or one for veg one for flower. Plus, I live in the swamps so humidity is a big concern, this new box will not intake from outdoors. I've compiled a list of strains I've had in the past few months... it's got to be one of these... any guesses :)

SLH -- Would be SWEET if it was this!
Looks awesome! I'm a newbie on this site as well, mostly experienced in outdoor growing. From what I know 11 point leaves are thought to be genetics or from prime conditions, no real answer. Based on your growth 7 wks in you are doing it right. I would assume the yellow growth is just from being bunched up so tightly with the others when the shoot first emerges. Doesn't look like nute burn. What are you fertilizing with? CFL's and Flouros should be fine within 2 inches of the canopy. At such a low heat, leaf burn is almost impossible; if your skin can handle the heat the plant can as well. Any close ups of the pre flowers? LST looks good and minimal, marijuana responds well to low and high stres, it is a weed after all. With a 4' tall cabinet you will run out of room fast and you may have to continue LST throughout flowering. Slow growth would be an indicator of too much stress. Keep an eye on humidity through flowering, don't want those buds to rot. What's your current air circulation set up? Good luck and happy yields!
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Thanks for the replies and input!!! I'm fertilizing with Dyna-Gro Bloom 3-12-6 now, it's been 1 week into flower, and I'm seeing the first signs of stretch today YAY! I am absolutely worried about the height of the cabinet, I never thought this trial run would go so well, but I was also considering -- if I should continue LST through flowering (like you said).... it's really doing great and the photos highlight all the new growth so perfectly!!! I'm not sure if I continue LST at this point if it would weaken the buds that are already on the way? Maybe due to space restrictions, I'll probably just go with it.

Humidity is a HUGE concern. It's been steady around 70% just bc of natural conditions outside. The cabinet is set up with a 50W (squirrel cage style) bathroom vent fan on bottom that intakes fresh outside air - blows breeze on the leaves, but vents internally on top - same type fan (not internally to the cabinet, but internally to the shed) - just so there's not 2 openings to outside humidity. I really hope that made sense :) I tried putting one of those BS bead de-humidifiers in there, but it seems to be junk and doesn't do anything. I'd rather not intake from inside the shed because that air is always stagnant. That's my big concern now... even the newer seedling cabinet doesn't intake from outdoors, but it got HOT... like 100 degrees and it's no where close to prime time summer here. Planning to put an a/c in the shed ASAP.

Last day of Veg:
last day of veg.jpg
1 Week into Flower:
1 week flower.jpg
The yellow leaf is just fine :)
Stretch after 1 week, inside and outside the cabinet:
cabinet stretch.jpg stretch.jpg
Here's some close up pics, I couldn't get a good focus, so I'll try again soon.
close up.jpg closeup.jpg
Looks pretty damn good!!!! You are further along than I am at the moment. Everything seems dialed in but it seems to have a few temp and RH issues. I would recommend only exhausting the hot air out of your cabinet, not in. Vent low, and add a internal fan to breeze your lady. Creating a negative pressure will help pull that air in from the shed, move it around with the fan and kick it out. Adding an a/c or dehumidifier to the shed would help as well. I assume you are in the deep south. I am in the Pacific Northwest and the last week the humidity has been super high.

The only other things I can think of to help is slightly defoliate some of the fan leaves, this will lower humidity and expose some of the lower bud sites to light. You have a pretty even canopy so if she gets too close to the light just gently tie her down lower and the plant wont even notice if there is minimal stress. Keep the top of the soil and drain catch dry to decrease humidity as well. I'm excited to see how your buds will progress. Good luck!
Looks good. 11 point doesn't mean anything. If you look at your plant you will notice the first set has one point, then three, then five, seven, nine, so on and so forth.

They increase with maturity of the plant. Yours looks to have quit a bit of sativa in it. I had a c99 last year that had some 13 point leaves as big as a dinner plate.
Yes, it's hard to explain... the exhaust doesn't vent inside the photo cabinet itself, but inside the whole shed -- while the intake, pulls from the outdoor fresh air into the cabinet (I could easily change this to pull inside a/c air after it's installed, but I thought it be better to have fresh air intake from outside).... the plan is to get an a/c in there ASAP. The temps in the photo cabinet are around 75-85, but they will go up, way up as it gets more into summer. I'm hoping an a/c will fix the only concern, and yes absolutely right, the deep south! Maybe if I get a dehumidifier that's not $10 garbage it will work better.... I'll start with the a/c first and see how the numbers change. I do have an extra little fan I think I'll put in there tonight.

Defoliate the fan leaves? I've never read about this, I'll have to look it up. I'm guessing it's clipping them off? I did this a few weeks ago just on a whim, it looked like the enormous fan leaves were shading the little new growth, so I took like 5 off, it seemed to do well, but that was just regular gardening guess work haha.... I'll have to look into that.

That makes sense about the 11 pt leaves, and YES I totally hope it's sativa!!! :) Or, I really don't care... I'm just hoping for some smoke-able buds!!! Thanks again for the replies :mrgreen:
Sounds like a good plan to me. It definitely looks sativa dominant. I just fimmed a xxx og indica that produced 11 point leaves, so ya never know. Considering your space I would look into defoliating as you obviously have gardening experience. Here is a great in depth article about it that talks about defoliating through out flowering to increase bud weight.

Always be conservative with your trimming if you are unsure how the plant will respond.
Uh oh, we might have a turd in the punch bowl.... :evil:

OK, the good news... I defoliated about 14 huge leaves and quite a few of the bottom tiny spent ones.... the a/c is installed and RH is down to 45% and it's only been a few hours.

The bad news... I got some pretty decent photos of the pre-flowers and I'm not liking what I see. What do you think? I shouldn't be too disappointed since this was a trial run anyways with a random bag seed...
PF0.jpg PF1.jpg pf2.jpg PF3.jpg

The good news, I have a Blue Mystic Feminized Auto-Flower (Nirvana) that's just coming up on 2 weeks. I'm going to only transplant this one 1 time right into a 5 gallon cloth planter. I'll just start another journal from the beginning no big deal.
BM1.jpg BM2.jpg

Also, I went ahead and planted one of the randoms just because I'll have the room. I'm already thinking about scrapping it though, or putting it outside in the yard. Look at that crazy weird leaf already...

So realistically f*ck this f*cking plant if it's not female... It was just a training plant I guess. NEXT!!!! :weed:
Buddy that is 100% male you got there. Chop it immediately and wipe down your grow area after you get it out just to clean up any residual chance for pollen and bacteria etc... sorry man. Wouldve made a pretty lady
Yep that's a dude. What a shame, it was a nice looking plant.... I would scrap it to avoid any pollen contamination. Leaves do absorb light, but if a fan leaf is blocking light to a potential growth tip then it is creating unwanted dark spots. The oldest fan leaves being the first to go the plant can direct it's energy into the new growth tips. Excess fan leaves also create excess humidity. So that's why she removed fan leaves. Good luck on the new babies!!!!!
Its a male.

Isolate it and cut a it in black construction paper. Let the sacs open and tap them to get pollen out. Make sure it is good and dry and put it in a film canister or something similar.

Take a small paint brush and dip in pollen when you want and seed a branch for more seeds.
Wamp WAAAAAMP! As soon as I saw the reply last night, I walked out to the shed at midnight, cut all power and moved it outside. Well, I don't count it as a total loss, I did learn a lot from this test, and got to practice LST and get the watering schedule and temps right. I'm glad I didn't move it to the 5 gallon pot, or wait any longer to go into flower. Figures everything went so great, something had to go wrong, why did it have to be that!

Note about the defoliation, I did read up on it, and I did only take the oldest/biggest/yellowing fans out, there were still TONS of regular size ones left. Also, once I noticed the stupid balls, I was more just cutting for practice and to see how it reacted (wonderfully), also, made some nice leaf stencils for my hubby to use when he camo stencils rifles :) I should have just made a fresh leaf lei for St. Patty's day right? This is my green! (you know those 11 pt leaves were huge!)

I don't think I have the heart to chop down the first grow, I think I'm going to go transplant it off site in the woods. So tell me, it was exactly 10 days into photo period, do you think any pollen has gotten out yet? Are we talking Level 1 threat decon here? I imagine I can't reuse anything from this dude... velcro straps... soil... the box it sat on in the cabinet?

Here's the memorial photo.

Now it's time to focus all attention on Blue Mystic. I'm going to start a separate journal and post a link here when it's up. This is going to be a complete different ball game, since this is for sure a female, but it's an auto, so I'm not sure how I'm going to train it. This seed was planted March 1.
Thanks again for all the replies!!
I highly doubt any pollen has dropped as of yet. Just wipe down the area and tools it came into contact with. It could seed your entire grow and you would be left with dirt weed. If you have the space let it flower outside, collect pollen and discard. You can seed single branches in the future and the pollen could be very handy in the future. Looking forward to your auto grow. Start lst early and let the side branches grow vertical. I have no experience with autos so I'm interested. Happy growing!