reflective box for outdoors


Hi there people i am a novice grower and had an idea whilst high the other day of making some sort of outdoor grow box and using mylar to line the inside to reflect the sun thus making it similar to indoor growing. If anyone has tried this can you please leave some advice on if its a good or bad idea

thanks heaps


Active Member
I have used Mylar outside for years. Don't know if it helps THAT much but its a good way to put previously used sheets of expensive mylar film to use. I have a few plants against a fence in my yard that don't get as much sunlight as the rest of them so I put mylar along the North and West fences to reflect light and the plants seem to like it. It could work out well though - Pick a spot with a good view of the Southern sky, build yourself a nice sturdy box, line it with Mylar and put a few plants in there. Couldn't hurt! Good luck with that anyway man and peace RIU!