reflector heatshield,heat diffusers


Active Member
If you have temp problems I would have recommended a cooltube, but for that price it looks decent enough.

Not sure about taking 30 degrees from the temps though, hehe. How well it works all depends on the quailty, power and speed of the extraction system cooling it. How powerful is the extraction fan you intend to use? If it isnt working as well as you'd hoped, try a better fan.

Drawing air from, and exhausting air to, outside of the growroom will increase the efficiency. This way the air cooling the bulb doesnt interact with the growroom air.
You probably know all this...idk

have fun with your new upgrade man


Well-Known Member
630 cfm on one 1000 watt hps. Im doing a perpetual harvest, just in the very beginnings. I have all the proper equipment to have a very successful sog. I want my 1000 hps as close to those tops as possible. Was thinking on a heatdiffuser as well. Theyre pretty cheap but do they work?


Well-Known Member
If you have temp problems I would have recommended a cooltube, but for that price it looks decent enough.

i use a 600w in a cooltube and i have to say its great, but the only problem with cooltubes is they provide an absolute shit spread of light, il be getting one of that type reflector next year, dunno about the mickey mouse cover for it tho:???:


Well-Known Member
how close do you get your 600 watt to the tops using the cooltube? If this heatshield works Ill have my 1000hps less than a foot away.


Well-Known Member
how close do you get your 600 watt to the tops using the cooltube? If this heatshield works Ill have my 1000hps less than a foot away.

i can get it 4inch from the tops but the light spread is shit at that distance, i generally keep it around a foot above to get a decent enough spread of light across my tent, in my opinion a 1000watter less than a foot away from your tops is well overkill you`l probably just end up light-bleaching your tops, and to get the full benefit of a 1000 you need it a couple of feet away at least for its enormous spread of light, personally id have 2x600w, what size is your room? and tbh that heat sheild thing doesnt look like its worth $60 to me, im guessing thats around £40 in uk money? for that money you could get another extractor fan to deal with your heat prob and your plants would benefit more from the extra ventilation, your air cooled reflector shouldnt be putting out excess heat anyway, unless you have it configured incorrectly? or your fan pulling/pushing air thru the hood isnt up to the job of cooling a 1000? my cooltube doesnt get hot at all its just luke warm to the touch and it has less than a quarter of the free air volume that that type of air cooled hoods have, i reckon that cover thing would only hold in any radiant heat escaping from the top of the hood this extra heat would have to go somewhere, therefore would be reflected back down on your plants. thats my opinion on it anyway, just another unnecessary expense.


Well-Known Member
No, the heatshield reduces heat by 30 f. I personally havnt tried it out yet Im still in veg but in a week and a half they go into the flowering room with the 1000 watt. I have a 630 cfm exhaust fan for temps and I bought the heat shield to control heat radiating into the grow room. It contains the heat in the reflector so it can be more efficient at cooling.
Im using a 4'x4'x7' sunhut for flowering. I guess Ill post on this thread once its in use and let people know if theyre worth the $60 or not.


Well-Known Member
yea do mate id be interested to see if its claims of a 30 degree heat drop are true, but i mean whats your current temps running at without the heatshield, in the shade about 2 feet from the hood? if your fan is up to the job and you got it all rigged up correctly with minimal bends or turns in the ducting you shouldnt be needing that type of thing, i still think a 1000 is overkill in that space, my budbox is 1.2x1.2x2m roughly the same size as your sunhut and my 600 is plenty.


Well-Known Member
usually my temps are in the mid 80's to 78f. LOL. Butmy thinking is the cooler the temps the better growth and the more light the better the yield! Ive heard of people setting up 2 600's in a 4x4 space. Thats alot of light.


Well-Known Member
WOW! What a difference! There used to be a hot spot that my exhaust fan didnt seem to clear. Now I can put my hand within inches of the hood and hardly any heat. Closer the light to the tops, the better the penitration, the better the yield, right? Any way I can walk into my tent and feel absolutely no heat. Just a warm spot directly under the hood.


Active Member
That's cool that the product worked for you, worked for me too. Not bad results for $60, I've got twelve of them myself. Did you but the ducting sleeve?

The product does not claim to reduce your temertures by 30 degrees. It does claim however to reduce your cooling needs by about 10% which is more realistic. Not sure where you got that. Any skeptics check out this videos:

YouTube - Hydro Innovations Reflector Sun Shield Heat Shield Demo

This company also makes a water-cooled co2 generator this removes loads of heat.

YouTube - Hydro Innovations HydroGEN Water-Cooled Co2 Generator Demo


Well-Known Member
I acctually have the package lable sitting right in front of me (its been behind my computer all this time) and it doesnt say "will make your temps drop 30 degres" but yet has something similar. theres 2 pictures that were photographed using infra red. The one on the left shows the reflectr radiating out heat uncovered and the temp reading 102 f. The next picture shows the reflector covered, containing the heat and the temp reading 69.5 f.
Did you get the same one? And Im very satisfied with mine. Well worth the 60$


Active Member
oh, I understand where you got that from now. The 30 degree temperature difference is on the reflector housing itself, not the room temperature. It does drop the sheetmetal parts of the reflector by 30 degrees, I totally beleive that. After several hours of operation stick your hand in between the blanket and the reflector and check out how hot it is. That heat you feel was just being released into your garden before.