Refrigerator Cab+CFL


Hey everyone,

Since im new here i thought i would share my cab since it is empty ATM.

I built it out of an old fridge. It has a veg/bonsai mum cab up top, and a flowering cab on the bottom.

This cab is a proven winner for my climate, although i wouldn't recommend a fridge for everyone. It really depends on your climate. I could see it getting a bit too hot in some climates, even with CFL's and good exhaust. The thing with fridges is you can keep the ambient air cooled, but the insulation seems to absorb the heat and store it over time. For my climate this is perfect since it releases that heat during lights out and so the fridge does a good job of regulating its temp and not dropping to low. no problem maintaining darn near perfect temps. But again in hotter climates it could be an issue.

The cab is several years old now. Most of the design was my own doing. I just went at it not knowing if it would work. after finding it to work quite well i set out to refine the veg chamber, and found the vertical scrog method being used for a frig setup on youtube, so i cant take credit for the vertical scrog idea to optimize space, but it works great for the fridge layout.

there are exhaust fans in each chamber, and passive intake. there are dimmers setup on the fans to help regulate temps. The power strip light fixtures can be lowered or raised as needed and can add light bulbs as needed as well. There can also be added very easily power strip fixtures to the door if necissary. (mostly used if scrog is not being employed)

In the flower chamber there is room for two good sized plants/pots, but you could go with less or more depending on how you wanted to work the flower stage. Anything from one very large plant scrogged to several smaller plants for SOG

Inside the veg chamber you will notice a homemade cloner and small Male Isolation Chamber fit quite nicely with room to spare for several bonsai mothers.

anyways here are the pics, sorry they are a bit messy in these pics, the fridge had not been cleaned in awhile, but thats another great thing is that it is very easy to clean and sterilize the chambers. Its now clean but im to lazy to take more pics and upload them.

Thanks for looking. If you have any questions or comments please share or ask.



Active Member
Cool setup man, it's extremely well thought out. I'm jealous. I want to build one but I live in an upstairs apartment. Can't wait to see some plants in here.