Regarding obtaining Personal/Production license in Canada/NS

Hey, I just joined the site and this board caught my eye pretty quick. I'm 19, from Nova Scotia, and I've been curious as to how to obtain a license to grow whether it be for personal or production purposes.
How does applying for this license go? And are there any known people in Nova Scotia who are known to be able to make this happen (ie good doctors,etc)?
I was also curious as to how the production license works, does an owner of this license make personal profit?

Any answers to any of my thoughts would be appreciated,
if you fall under any of Health Canada category 1 or 2 of ailments for MMAR and are accepted you
can get a personal use production license. if you are thinking you can get some sort of blanket
growing license there is no such thing.

you can however be able to be a designated grower for up to 4 patients from recollection.
those patients would have to have form D filled out for you and the police will deffinately
do a backgroud and full check on you. if you have any criminal convicted past you can not
be a designated grower.
Definitely can use my stress and anxiety as more than a valid point to be made to obtain a license if thats the case. I have zero criminal history.
And does that mean if i get 4 patients they all are basically buying my weed from me?
I don't understand why user hidden is saying 4 patients for one grower. You can have 2 patients plus your own supply but you can live with somebody who also has a grow license and they can also have 2 patients plus supply themselves. That makes up the four patients. In Nova Scotia as I understand things, it's very hard to come across a ganja friendly doctor as well as a specialist who will say that you've spoken about wanting to use marijuana for your condition but that you discussed this with said specialist. Plus that specialist has to diagnose you in writing. Then the report goes back to the pot friendly GP. You will get higher amounts of weed prescribed if you say that you do not smoke it but you ingest it such as tea bags and foot stuffs. Some tea bags are the size meant for 10 grams. You are not allowed to make any form of oil with marijuana. I know this because I just got my GP to sign off on the forms and he told me. The best place/ chance to get your possession card as well as your growers card is to find a doctor in BC and come out here for the appointment. But there might be one or two GP's in your area if you search the forums or google. Best of luck man. Buckets
Definitely can use my stress and anxiety as more than a valid point to be made to obtain a license if thats the case. I have zero criminal history.
And does that mean if i get 4 patients they all are basically buying my weed from me?

as long as you have a specialist (in your case psycologist) that can attest to your condition you would be elligable for an MMAR.

selling to a patient......maybe you should be supplying them for free ?
I am a current card holder/Production card holder in NS. I just sent in my renewal for this years forms.. Had my script bumped up from 3 to 4g/d. I only ever talked to my Family Doc, and specialist. Luckily, they were both ok with alternative meds.. Especially after jumping through all the necessary hoops. I asked my Dr. if he signs off on a lot of MMAR apps, and he said he has signed a few, but told me if I ever sent people his way for this reason, he would terminate our relationship.. Which is understandable.

You as a Canadian, have the right to use alternative medicine. I told my Dr that it worked for me, and I was going to have my forms signed by a DR. regardless if it was him or not. He can't tell you it doesn't work for you..

I read the new proposed MMAR changes, and I can't see this working for very long, if at all. People have too much invested in their grow rooms tear em down. I for one have already contacted my attorney, to make sure he gets me involved in any provincial/Federal cases that may pop up.