regenerating a plant


New Member
i was wanting to here some opinions on regenerating a plant after harvest and if anyone has done it, how did you do it and how did it turn out? thanks.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Ive never done it but from what i have read about it you leave some of the lower foliage on after harvest and then put it back into veg light hours. After a while start giving it some veg nutes. It takes time thought but always one of the projects i wanted to give a shot at one point.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I've seen a few pics/videos/etc of people revegging plants...if done right with the right strains it's possible...something to experiment with :)


Well-Known Member
There is a video on here somewhere of a guy regenerating an Autoflower. Its quite wierd as it regenerated straight into flower.


Well-Known Member
I have done it with those strains you regret not taking clones of and it worked out fine! just like^said patience and more patience with some nitrogen and a nice spot in the veg garden. worth it for those winning strains. good luck!


Well-Known Member
i've done it once on a PPP
i cleverly did it outdoors in june, which had the light period i needed
revegged beautifully, and brought it inside to flower in the grow chamber
when i noticed a nice crop of spider mites came in with it
still got a harvest, but wasn't as nice as it could have been(f'ing mites)


Well-Known Member
make sure you leave a few smaller buds on it. you will see the pistil hairs die off, but the green will spring forth new life. It seems to behave like a fim topping. The new growth there will sprout multiple branches. its quite amazing really.


Active Member
This is relevant to my interestsrelevant-to-my-interests.jpg
I will try and re-veg my plant after harvest, and once it start vegging right i'll take some clones and try to make new babies. Gonna google about this


Well-Known Member
Ive seen it done.

You take a harvested flowering plant, but leave a few of the lower buds and growth in place.

Then you re-expose it to 24 hours of light (or normal daylight) and if luck is with you, after a few weeks it will eventually revert out of flowering mode and go back into vegetative growth, starting with sparse growth off whatever buds remained from before.

Out of several attempts I've seen, the plant died some of the time, probably because of the shock of harvest plus the fact that there wasn't all that much viable vegetation left on the bottom. Its tough to leave good bud on the plant!

But the times it worked, the plant eventually became super-bushy because every viable node sprouted new growth.

I think the best use of this trick would be to take a proven flowering plant with good genetics, and turn it into a "mother" for cloning. It might also work to give a formerly indoor plant a second life as an outdoor plant.

Trying to take it through a second indoor flowering probably doesn't make sense because of the increased time you need to re-veg, plus extra training/pruning, etc.


Well-Known Member
Fellas ya reveg her to rob her of her cuttings then ya can hit her with 12/12 again.Man sometimes it has taken a month to kick my ladies back in but with the genetics at stake it had to be done.If you get your hands on a one of a kind always keep a few spares,even if ya Bonzai them you can still get cutting's.


New Member
i have done it myself many times i was just wandering what everyones opinion on it is. i have a plant that is on its 5th regeneration and every time it gets bigger, i have heard arguements about regenerating it kills the potency and some other downfalls but from my personal expierience its seems its gets bigger and better everry time. i have done this to alot of strains and they all seem to work. i leave a few small buds thenput it in the dark 2 or 3 days then onto 24 hour light and it works. but what i am wandering is if anyone else has had the same results as me. bigger yield and better quality


Well-Known Member
I find that my stalk's dont increase in size if growth is intermittent.If you already have large stalk's then you rock on.Potency has never changed for better or worse for me.


Well-Known Member
fastest and best way to reveg a plant in soil.
cut off as many big buds as you like, only leave the popcorn at the bottom (actually can cut off everything but 1-4 buds (the lowest buds in the center, on or nearest the stem))

ok, but here is the rub, the more you leave left, the greater the chances of the plant. try to leave as many leaves as you can on the plant.

any fanleaves are great.
that being said, here is the magic trick, that makes cutting everything off but a tiny flower (fingernailsize or half) and still being able to regenerate the plant.


ok, but since you are a beginner and would like to keep your plant, cut off 75% of the top, leave all the lower stuff there.

then take the plant out of the container, i prefer a dry rootball, take a sharp knife.
and cut 70% off the bottom, just slice some off the bottom and sides till the rootball looks like about 5-10% bigger than whats left on the top of the plant. (5-10% accounting for the soil)
then transplant into fresh soil and a fitting container. (maybe a touch of veg nutes for the old root ball, but not enough to make hot the new soil, dont really need to though with the fresh soil)

put into 24 hour light, preferably blue, but hps is fine. (so is 18h, but 24 is surer and faster)

if done right, you could see new growth in days.

ok this is just a hurried description of something ive done countless times (got a plant on her 4th run now)
you can ask me further or pm me if i miss this thread later.


Well-Known Member
oh and once you see new growth you need to thin it out bit, or reveg takes lots longer (100 tops take alot longer to grow than, say, 4-8 tops)

but every old bud (flower) will turn into new leaves (looks mutant at first)
quite explosively, countless site´s possibly from each flower.

even smaller buds. but a large bud will definetly need to be trimmed in reveg, spawning lots of new budsites.


Well-Known Member
i regularly reveg my plants.
check out my tutorial on youtube.
Peace and Happy Growing !!
