Regenerating - indoor to outdoor? Need some advice

I have been reading alot about regenerating plants.

It is now June 21, my indoor are about 3 weeks from harvest, and the frost date here is Oct 1. I'd like to regenerate some of them once I harvest, but I can't turn the lights indoors to 24/0 because I will have more in there budding by then :roll: (perpetual - I start all plants in Aerogarden for seedling/veg, then straight to flower)

If I harvest the top 2/3's, leaving bottom buds leaves etc, and then
:twisted:MOVE OUTDOORS:twisted:,
middle of July, will these plants re-vegetate? Or will the days be too short by then?

Also, the plants are in pots indoors, but I'd rather them go in-ground outdoors - would it be too much shock for it to regenerate if I transplant?

Anybody ever tried this during this same time of year? I know it would work if I had done it earlier, but wondering if its too late in year?